The Moldy Sandwich

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As I was comfortably lying on the couch, my eyes like a heavy weight pulling the lids down, the gulls from above impolitely squawked and squeaked. The oposite of Adele.

Me living under the dock near the entrance of the beach, certificates me as not a happy camper. All those kids playing volleyball, or the gulls squawking, or even children running down the dock, yelling

"I WANNA GO TO THE BEACH" is annoying.

          "Ok kid, I wanna sleep in late"

While the reluctant sounds that disturbed my sleep disallowed me to fall, back to sleep, I stood my back straight and yawned with my fangs midair. The gloomy smell of seaweed awoken my nose hairs and lost my appetite. I stretched out my arms and swung them in the air which they unfortunately hit the cabinet. I expected my clumsy self to do that. Ouch. I opened the door to my apartment and jumped up onto the deck. Sometimes I wish I had more people to talk to, because technically I cant walk up to someone planning to go to the beach and be like "Hey Im a talking cat, Meow."

           You know, sometimes I wish I was Puss N' Boots. A Jacked cat with tiny boots. Who doesn't wanna see Milo, the city terror, in boots. As I pounced up onto the deck I saw people walking by with kids, sand toys and all. I pranced into the center of attention and stared at everyone dead in the eyes.

Then I danced.
Oh I started dancing and prancing right there, like a jazz dude. I tipped my hat on the surface of the deck and suddenly, these humans are dumb enough to pay me! Pay a cat? For dancing? I was speechless. Then suddenly I started to daydream. Chocolate, peanuts, popcorn. And then it hit me. Sandwich. I was hungry for a sandwich.

Thank you all you wonderfully sweaty people!

I walked over to the beach with the sand steaming my toes like hot pockets. I dug my hands down and started scooping. Finally I found it. A sandwich. An old stinky sandwich. As I picked it up, it started to glow as bizarre as it sounds! I skipped down the street with my butt waggling behind me. Sitting down under a hammock, and rising the sandwich up, I licked my lips as I knew, That this is gonna taste weird. As the salty moldiness on the sandwich burned in the hot weather, so did a gulp, going down my throat. Why am I doing this? Because. A stray cat doesn't have much to look forward to. Its actually pretty lonely. A michevious little cat is the picture I want. It brings me adventure in life. Fun.

Do you picture this cat in tuxedos, Being a lawyer.


Pathetic life. You know, I wonder how humans restrain themselves from doing absurd things that I do. Technically, im 17 years old and still not potty trained.

As I rose the sandwich towards my mouth, my jaw opening wide, I clenched my hands and shut my eyes.
Nooope. Not doing it.
I thought for a minute. I am kinda hungry...
Rising the sandwich in front of my eyes once again I got ready to eat. Bon appetite.
You know what, ima pass.

Sometimes life sucks and there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes, its the things you do that suck, and you cant fix it. Like if you eat a peanut, and your allergic, thats your fault. If you eat a sandwich that moldy and rotten that you found on the beach, its your fault your about to get food poisoning. Ha.

As I glanced over the canopy I noticed a young girl sitting down. I scrunched down so she wouldn't notice me. As my mind finally pulled together the pieces, I threw the sandwich so she couldn't smell her way to me.
        "How could I be so dumb. I thought."
Uh ok. I don't know why she said that but, I like to eavesdrop. With my ear closing in and my eyes widened, I came to the conclusion that she is scrolling through a book. A boring old book.
                     Temptation to run away from this wierd girl is high. GURL WHY ARE YOU READING. People have so much better things to do in life! Suddenly with a beat on my head, the hammock began to rock. Oh my god. This is the end! my life is over! She is gonna find me!

Did I say that aloud?

I peeked my head up, and was face to face with... a human girl.

A beast.

A beautiful beast.

"Avery! I Made pasta! Get in here and eat it!" I heard from afar.
            "Coming!" The strange girl responded.
Avery? Hm. As she sat up to walk away I glanced at her mother. Eek, not my problem.
She kinda be looking like that moldy toast I had last night. No offense. Then she glared at me as she was walking away. Dreamy.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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