55. Tagg

24 7 33

Helloow! I got tagged by Itacee in English the day before yesterday on June 12th ^^

So I have to write 20 random facts about me.

1. My English is not the yellow from the egg, but I really try to do my very best xD

2. I like mint chocolate ice-cream

3. I sometimes really hate the summer and its heatwaves.

4. I'm seemingly always tired.

5. I'm not interested in football at all.
Well...I literally hate football.

6. I love watching Animes in my holidays at night at least until 3am xD

7. I like spending my free time with friends or my family.

8. Even if they can be annoying my family really mean something to me.

9. I'm glad to not have little siblings.

10. But being the youngest sibling either isn't easy...

11. My oldest brother is already studying medicine in Sachsen since last autumn.

12. My middle brother is training to be an electronics technician at the professional school.

13. My next older brother is studying to be a teacher at home(online), but is moving to Lower Saxony soon.

14. And I? I have no damn idea what I want to be later...

15. I'm going to change schools for the next school year from Highscool to professional school.

16. I'm very excited and maybe a little scared about this next period.

17. I'll be in the health and social profile.

18. I'm lucky that a friend is there, too.

19. I'm pretty sure I'll be missing my old friends and school.

20. But I think it's a good chance for a new beginning...So everything will be fine.

Soo, ihr müsst natürlich nicht auf Englisch antworten, nur wenn ihr wollt xD


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