Best day ever!

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So the morning was terrible  cuz u guessed it I fell of my bed . Then i woke up to funfetti panckakes made by my older sister Jasmine , i was suprised because she neverr ever ever cooks . then i put my hair into a side braid because i  dont like doing ponytalis alot . Then i got dressed wearing a shirt that says #LOL cuz its my type of outfit i love to laugh, smile . then i weared leggings with smiley faces all over them WHAT A GREAT OUTFIT! then i weared glittery white flats  WHO DOESNT LIKE GLITTER ?!

My mom had an aponmient ,at  the salon cuz she had been invited to be in The oscars for best SOMETHING i forget ! My sister tiffany was wearing a shirt saying HAVE CRAZY FUN! its so suits her she's exactly what her shirt says. then i hopped into the limo with my sisters , my butler took us to school , drove my sister jasmine to college . My freinds told me about that group thing called NIKKI HATERS , but i didnt really care cuz i knew all about it . Then mackenzie came , was like  OMG WHERE DID U GET THAT SHIRT ? THE DORK SHOP  her and her bffs snickered but jessica didnt then she yelled at mackenzie i guess she couldnt take her  WHAT IS UR PROBLEM ? I KNOW U MACKENZIE YOU THINK UR BETTER THEN PPL BUT ID LIKE TO KNOW WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT EVERYTHING BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT ? OTHER THAN PUTTING ON LIPGLOSS? DONT SAY UR COMEBACKS THOSE ARE TERRIBLE .  then jessica came to me , said Sorry nikki for being mean to u  . Its fine want to be freinds  before i said yes Linsey , Lexi yelled YES DEFINETLEY !  Then we went to math class   .   then i saw people saying OMG NIKKI IS AWSOME , GREAT OUTFIT  

Its was like Best day ever!

* at math class*

Everyone hand in your homework the teacher said strictly of course 

everyone handed it in while mackenzie went to the teacher , made excuses

UH my dog ate it 

My lipgloss spilled on it 

UH Its got stolen by lipgloss theives.


* bell rings*

* goes to cafeteria with lexi,linsey, jessica *

Oh i have lots of allergies to the school food my chefs bring me stuff from home

I got gluten free pizza i know it sounds weird BUT IT TASTE LIKE NORMAL PIZZA ECXEPT IN MY OPNINION WAY BETTER !

then my freinds asked for some so i gave then slices suprisingly they loved it 


then we went to our lockers to get changed into our gym clothes

then school was over

then me , linsey , lexi went in jessicas  limo to have a sleepover at her house 

her mom , my mom are bffs

It was the best day ever !

then we made jokes watched scray movies , talked about how mackenzie is a dork on so many levels  BY THE WAY ON SO MANY LEVELS IS MY FAV COME BACK


bye dairy time to sleep

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