The New Mutants

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This facility has 3 levels, level 3 is above ground. Level 2 is just below level 3 but it's still above ground. And level 1 is below ground, under level 2.


Jing Wei: " love the new look Harry!" Speaking to one of the guards.

" ugh Jing why do you keep doing that? Your just as bad as Aphro" Artemis said, not understanding why her friend keeps hitting on everybody like Aphrodite.

" what? I'm just saying" Jing Wei said, not understanding why Artemis can't have some fun or even comment anything nice to the guards watching them.

They were sitting out in the court yard. The little freedom they do have. Unfortunately Jing Wei was in a big metal cage, since she had wings and they didn't want her to fly away. " hey Georgie can you roll me over to where Artio and Awilix are? Thanks babe" Jing Wei said, as George the guard assigned to Jing Wei had to push her cage outside the court yard. Finding this job embarrassing and horrible because he felt like mutants shouldn't even have privilege.

" and I was like slush again?" Awilix said, talking about the cafeteria food. " I know. They feed us like animals" Artio said, as George had to comment " because yer are animals" making Jing Wei say " George! What did we talk about?" Spending 3 years of her life trying to teach George to tolerate mutants and not say something that's mean or hurtful. So far Jing Wei has been successful for 35% of the time? Still that's a massive improvement from George's original mindset on mutants. " animals eh?" Artio said, getting up close and personal to George as he readied his gun.

" George! Artio! Come on! Stop! Break it up you two! We're all friends!" Jing Wei said, not wanting her friends to fight.

" we ain't friends, muties like you can never be my friend" George said, super against mutants.

Artio transformed into a bear and charged at George. He fired his gun, shooting her. But it couldn't stop her charge. Artio mauled George as most of the mutants in the court yard were cheering. While Jing Wei and a few others were in shock.

That's when the other guards used a tranquilizer gun and put Artio to sleep. " fucking protocol. We should fucking shoot her instead of putting her to bed." One guard commented, even kicking Artio. Still in her bear form.

" I told you she should've been kept on level 1" one guard commented, making Artemis ask " what's level 1?" Hearing the guard say " none of your fucking business mutie" as they dragged away Artio.

" is George gonna be ok?" Jing Wei commented, hearing one guard say " what do you care?! Fucking muties" taking away George. Who was groaning in pain.


Bellona: " wow now that was a good fight" commenting at the scene. Isis (even thought now Smite changes her name to Eset to me it's still Isis since that was her original name in the very beginning) commented " we need to get out of here" making Bellona say " you wanna go back to our cells already?" Making Isis give her a mean look and say " no you idiot! Get out of here. This facility." Hearing Bellona say " ohhh you wanna break out" As Isis shushed her friend saying " keep your voice down. And yeah... you saw what they did to Artio. What they can do to us." Isis said, thinking smart. It's only a matter of time till they get the order to eliminate all of them.

" let's go talk to the blue jay, she talks to all the guards here I bet she knows some good info" Isis said, setting the plan in motion. " ok, but uh can we trust her?" Bellona questioned, as Isis rolled her eyes and said " yes, of course. She's not snitch." As they made their way over to Jing Wei. " hey blue jay, we saw what they did to your friend. Sorry. And we want out. You in?" Isis said, asking Jing Wei very boldly since Georgie old boy ain't here anymore to guard/watch Jing Wei. So Isis is gonna take advantage of that until they can get a replacement for her. " cool! An jail bre-" Jing Wei was cut off by Isis covering her mouth saying " shhh, we can't have the guards knowing" after Isis said that, she removed her hand from Jing Wei's mouth. " I'm in. For Artio. Art?" Jing said, nudging her friend who's crossing her arms shaking her head. " this is fucking ridiculous. But ok." Artemis said, in a sighing like tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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