The Beginning ?

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Entering my great aunt's warm and cozy home I sighed finally relaxing knowing that I was home. It had been so long since I've had a break from missions, but now I can finally get back to writing.

I sat down on my great aunt's couch and opened the adventure journal she gave me and began to write;

"hmm... so where did I leave off, oh yeah. The four of us, that is me, Angel, Ryuu and Robin, we succeeded in saving the world," I wrote. "After we captured Sage and Audrey things kinda just worked out. Unfortunately, Kyra escaped our grasp and seemed to have revenge in mind," I wrote. "Though we all seemed to just forget about that when Angel gave birth to her daughter Analisse. We were overjoyed when she was born and I along with Robin were exited to be godparents to her. " I continued with a smile remembering the joyful moment. "We were all also excited about Robin's engagement to Cameron and her official adoption of his son Caleb," I added. "I only wish we hadn't have been so caught up in the moment cause maybe we may have been able to prevent what happened next," I took a deep breath as I felt hot tears flood my eyes, "Later on that year Analisse was only 8 months old, when her mother, Angel died. Kyra set out to to teach us a lesson and unfortunately Angel happened to be the focus of her wrath" I wrote down before wiping the tear from my cheek. "She left a message warning us to stay out of her way or else she'll make sure to kill Analisse too. Robin became motivated by these threats but Ryuu seemed to lose all motivation." I wrote down.

" While we were all grief-stricken I was most concerned for Ryuu. He had been so much prior to this. The three of us, Angel, Ryuu and I have been for forever and I've seen his lose so many. He lost his mother when he was pretty young, lost his grandfather, father and older sister later in life. Out of all of those losses I believe Angel dying broke him. He never outwardly showed it to me but he I know he was really going through it but he fought and worked hard for his daughter. He would eventually move back to the Southwest corner and live with his grandmother and father in law. I missed him when he went away but I knew he needed time to heal."

"I continued to secretly help Robin for revenge but we never got anywhere in those pursuits. One thing I could take joy in was traveling to the Southwest to visit Analisse. I loved seeing her and loved to see how Ryuu's eyes lit up seeing her happy. Ryuu and I would talk when I would visit but usually he was drowning himself in work."

"I wish Angel were here everytime I step into Ryuu's house. I know and seen how much of a hands on father he was before Analisse and it's sad to see that she'll have to miss out on that. That's why when I'm here I tell her stories about her parents especially her father. I don't want her to grow up with a growing hatred for her father when it's not his fault."

"I spent six years being a hero and becoming rich and famous. I traveled the world and got to meet fans and inspire others all over the world, but now I'm choosing to kinda slow down a bit. I deserve a break and would love to spend time with the family I have left. I want to spend time with Ryuu, Robin and recently my half-sister."

" We have been talking for a while when she was able to catch my attention at one of my fan meets. We connected and stayed in contact. She recently asked to come live with me and now I have a reason to stay in this lonely house. She told me she had two daughters and recently got divorced. She refused to be back with our mother so she choose to live here, and for the first time in years I'm overjoyed again. I just hope this happiness won't be spoiled so soon. My life so far, China" I yawned after signing my name and closed the book and deciding to head to bed. Afterall I do have to go get my sister from the airport the next morning.

<hello readers, this chapter is all over the place and I intend to fix it, but if you have suggestions on how this could be better I would love to hear it in the comments. Thanks and hope you enjoyed>

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