The End ?

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"Please tell me a story it would really help me get to sleep,"

"Well okay. This story all starts with a team of five came together they were determined to have their goals met some were more determined than others,".

"The year was 2009 and the heroes have just foiled their plans. Tensions rose and they tried to launch their plans again only to fail once more. Three out of the four were captured in some way shape or form while the last one had unfinished business. She did an unthinkable act and would've have went further if not for . . . Certain circumstances. Some say shes still out there waiting to strike while some feel her final act was her last,"

" Well that's that!" I said getting up from my chair.

"But grandpa that can't be the end their has to be a proper ending to the story, it can't just be left on a cliffhanger, " my grandson commented propping himself on his elbows.

"Well sometimes that's how stories end," I answered to his demands. That seemed to quiet him for a bit.

"Well grandpa, can I ask? How do you even know this story? I've never read or been able to research it anywhere," he asked.

"Because I was there to witness everything," I answered.

"But If you were there then that means that you should know the true meaning to the story," he questioned.

"Sorry kid, I don't everything I've told you is all I know," I explained.

"So that means their really is someone out there threatening the world ?" He asked sitting up in his bed seemingly shaken a bit by this realization.

"No! Of course . . . Not, I'm sure that last act truly was her last, " I said tucking my grandson into his bed. I wanted to calm his nerves no need to stress about the end of the world.

"I hope . . ." I whispered to myself.

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