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(A/N) okay so this is an update but it's basically just a filler chapter, I'm going to have a few more chapters of the final stretch of drama then it's all going to work out perfectly... Well I hope! I won't be updating tomorrow or Wednesday because I have my art exam both days but hopefully another chapter should be up soon, sorry to everyone who loves a bit of drama but this is just a very chill chapter and kind of movie forward with their lives n stuff, okay thankyou guys lots, love u all, byeeeeeeeee x

I woke up to the smell of Alex and also bacon, two of my favourite things. The temptation to get out of bed was too much, but my knowledge of the world outside of my warmth fort was too much for me to naively wander into the artic conditions that was Alex's flat. So. I decided to make a compromise.

As I rounded the final corner on my trek to the kitchen, I heard a throaty chuckle and peered up from my position on the floor.

'What... What on earth are you doing Al?' He giggled at me, as though my idea was completely absurd.

'Well it's not my fault your flat is ridiculously cold is it?'

'Doesn't mean you have to crawl around on the floor trailing my duvet with you though does it?' He cackled, clearly amused by my possible pneumonia.

'If that's what it takes that's what I'm going to have to do isn't it?' I laughed, finally cracking.

'You're a fucking moron' he replied, shaking his head at me, a glint still in his eyes.

'Yeah but I'm your moron' I replied sweetly, batting my eyelashes at him.

'Oh god yes you are' he grinned, reaching down and scooping me off the floor and into his arms.

'Alex! Noooooooo doooooooooon'tttt!!' I cried as he began to spin me round.

He slowly put me down, after much persistence on my part, and probably just because I was annoying him really.

'Fine fine whatever, I'll just have all these bacon butties to myself them' he grumbled, his comment causing me to jump onto his back and squeeze him until he agreed to give some to me.

We then just sat and essentially pigged out, before falling asleep watch Come Dine With Me, whilst cuddling. I think it's safe to say that this had been the best day I'd had in a while.

No doubt it wouldn't last long....

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