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I woke up to a faint beeping sound, there was only one person around my handsome older brother sleeping in the chair with his jacket over his head. I could just tell it was him. I looked on the table next to be to find a half eaten pudding cup which I don't remember receiving, he stole my pudding cup, so I threw it at him.

"Cut it out you bitch"
Did he just- -
"You're awake, finally you've been sleeping for like three months how are you feeling buttcheek"
"Three months are you kidding me, you better be lying and if you are I'm going to kill you"
"Chill haha, you should've seen the look on your ugly face, I just wish I recorded that."

I was about to tell him to kiss my ass when I heard a cry.
Wait is that
"That's your son jalapeño"
"Do not tell me you named him and named him after a pepper"
"I wish I did but Jessy wouldn't let me"
"Could you give him to me, and do you plan on calling the nurse and telling them I'm awake"
"Oh right you're not dead"
"You're not even funny, has he opened his eyes?"
"No he's keeping those bad boys locked"

The nurse came and they did a few check ups and I was set to leave the hospital five days later. Turns out my bp was low and I lost some blood which is why I fainted, Javier was ready to be here so they didn't need to do a cesarean. He still hasn't really opened his eyes they don't think anything is wrong, he's just being lazy, although he has barely opened them just not fully.
I have really nice hazel eyes so I really want to see what color his eyes are, I'm dying to know.

He finally decided to fully open his eyes two days after leaving the hospital and he had the most beautiful mesmerizing green eyes just like his dad, with a hint of brown.

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I returned to the city when Javier was around ten months a three days. He had started taking steps my baby boy is growing up so fast. We also had a meeting with some other branch members, that I had to be at.


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