chapter 1

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Did it feel wrong being out of the game? Definitely strange but not wrong, it feels out of place more than wrong but what does he have to complain about? he finally made it out with one unfortunate asset that idiot Senpai, he was stuck in that stupid "Mr flirts a lot" body and to make it worse he doesn't always have control. Spirit should have been more careful with letting Senpai in control, thanks to that idiot they are lost in a forest with no way of knowing where to go, this couldn't get worse Spirit thought, Senpai looked up at the sky with a dumb smile.

Spirit was an idiot to believe Senpai could do anything but get them in trouble, why was this idiot just staring at the sky they should be trying to find a way out of this forest.
Senpai eventually started to move and try to find some places to stay. The strawberry blonde boy spotted a house that looked abandoned "Perfect! A place to stay for a while" the dating simulator character said to no one in particular. Spirit was annoyed with how happy go lucky Senpai was being about this situation, how is he so happy in this situation? This could lead to our deaths! The Spirit wasn't in the mood for Senpai's shenanigans.

Senpai walked up to the house, looked at the door handle seeing scratch marks around it but Senpai didn't really think anything of it. He grabbed the handle and opened the door with a creek, Spirit thought it would be best to just ignore that sparkling brat, he just stayed within the brat.
"hello? Anyone live here?" the sparkly boy asked, the programing from the game it made him polite with going into places. He looked around seeing the surprisingly lack of cobwebs.

Seeing that no one responded back Senpai walked into the house, he looked around as he walked into what seems to be the living room. It wasn't as dirty as it looked on the outside, wouldn't be the best place he'd been but he could have been worse. This place isn't so bad, could definitely be worse Senpai thought to himself forgetting about someone that can hear those thoughts, "can you not?" Senpai jumped in surprise at the sudden voice before remembering the Spirit inside of himself,
"don't scare me like that." Senpai sat down behind the couch that was there
"you forgot that I could hear your thoughts, didn't you?" Spirit wasn't normally this way
"uhm no?"
"ugh you're lucky that no one is here or-" cutting Spirit off was the sound of the door opening and closing. "someone's here stay quiet" Senpai nodded understanding that this isn't the best time to be the lover type.

The sound of footsteps getting closer and the sound of something heavy and wet dragging across the floor made Senpai hold his breath, whatever was walking closer couldn't be good. The footsteps drew closer with the sound of something growling, Spirit tried to figure a way out of here without the person or thing finding out, Senpai on the other hand was listening to whatever was making the sounds until it suddenly stopped.

It was quiet with an uneasy feeling creeping up the boy's spine, he wanted to look, to see if it was just an animal or someone. Peeking his head around the couch he saw nothing as of nothing ever happened, he sighed in relief and leaned his head back on the couch with his eyes closed, he opened them quickly after something wet and slimy hit his head. Looking up was a mistake there's sharp teeth above his head and two giant bloodshot eyes staring at him, in a panic he managed to get to the wall closest to the couch, now being able to look at the thing it was more than a shock it's body black until the neck, and it's lemon shaped head, looking at its face was nerve wracking, the seemingly never ending smile with sharp bloody teeth.

The lemon headed thing crept closer to him on all fours, drooling as it put its two clawed arms on each side of the wall leaving Senpai in the middle. As Senpai panicked more something clicked inside his head, he moved his hand to the under jaw of the lemon creature looked it in its bloodshot eyes "I have met many fine and beautiful people, but you might be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." with Senpai's words the monster closed its jaws and stared at him in confusion, the sweet sparkles fluttered around him as he smiled so sweetly at a monster that could tear him apart. After the monster seemed to process what Senpai had just said it opened its jaws, leaning closer to him till Senpai could feel the breathing of the creature "you've got to be kidding." the monster said as it grabbed Senpai's arm "such a sweet and angelic voice for the one I lo-" the monster put its hand over his mouth, looking at him with its eyes in a half circle in annoyance "if you value your life you better stop talking."
Hearing that made Senpai sit still, the monster stared at him for a while and after a while it got up "stay there and don't annoy me, got that human?" Senpai nodded with a dumb smile the monster left to a different room leaving the sparkly boy alone.

Being left alone in the room was boring for the poor guy, he started to wonder what Spirit thoughts were on the new player, "alright you, blissful fool what the absolute hell are you doing" the Spirit shouted into his brain "do you really think this is still inside that cursed game?" Spirit's shouting made him hold his head, he didn't want to believe that he wasn't in the game anymore it was the only place he had ever known and now he's stuck with the thing that made his programmed life a hell. Why did he have to come with the red Casper with anger issues? "thanks to you we are stuck here with that thing" being yelled at made him remember just how much he disliked that Spirit.

After a few minutes of Spirit yelling at him he got up to look for that lemon headed monster, he enters a lot of different rooms before going into what he assumes to be the kitchen only to see the very creature he was looking for. Senpai noticed it was doing something, he couldn't think what it was doing until he remembered this was probably a kitchen that it finally clicked it was most likely making food for itself. Without the monster looking at him it spoke "didn't I tell you to stay where I left you?" it looked at him after speaking, having it standing at looking at him made the high of the creature more noticeable "yes, but I was bored without you." he said with a wink, the monster sighed and looked back at what it was doing before he came in "just sit down and don't bother me too much." it didn't seem to bother by Senpai so he did as he was told and sit on one of the chairs, it was quite again with the exception sound of something wet and squelching with the sound of something hard snapping apart, he about to ask what it was doing until he realised that he forgot to do the most important thing "my apologise but I never introduced myself, I'm Senpai what might be your name?" He said with his signature dumb smile, the monster glared at him for a moment "call me Monster" it said simply before going back to doing what it was doing "I will be ignoring the fact that you broke into my house" Monster said before another squelching sound was heard "I didn't know anyone lived here when I went in, I'm sorry" Senpai said, looking down at the table and twiddled his thumbs, "don't talk about it" Monster turned to look at him as a loud crunch was heard. Senpai thought it was be best to stay quiet for now.

and they were roommates حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن