Who are you...?

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"Hi my names Tim and I'm 16 years old, and this is my new diary. My mom has been extremely sick lately. I've helped her make food, and I help her with anything and everything else at home. My father cheated on my mom when I was 6 years old, and I walked in on him and my nanny making out. and soon my mom found out and my dad ended up leaving us. We've been on our own since then. I've always loved helping people because it makes me feel a little bit better about myself." As Tim was slowly writing in his diary a tear drop fell slowly from his eye. He sighed and said "I have to stay strong for my mom because I'm the only person shes got and if she loses me...then she'd be left with no one but herself". Tim went to check on his mom and she was asleep, so he went to the mall to get some groceries. When he arrived at the mall he got really worried, because the mall was very crowded since it was Sunday. He needed to get the things as fast as possible so he could get back home and take care of his mom. But something very strange happened. This had never happened before with Tim. He had never liked anyone, he only focused on his mom who was really sick. Someone caught his eye...it was a women with black hair and brown eyes. She seemed to look worried, and in a rush. Pretty normal but, she looked out of place and a bit odd. She started to  slowly walk towards him with a grin. He was quite worried because she wasn't wearing a mask on either. She came close to him and said "Hey, Tim remember me?". Tim got stressed out and tried to walk away. But then she appeared in-front of him and slowly started getting close to him. She put her hands all over his body....and said "Isn't this what you want Tim? I know you've always wanted it. That's why I'm here." Tim was pretty confused and startled he didn't know what to say.... He calmly asked her "who are you? How do you know my name? Leave me alone." She started to laugh "I'm what you've always wanted Tim. My purpose is to be with you and you can do whatever you want with me or to me I'll also grant any of your wishes" she said while smiling. She slowly started to kiss him, Tim knew something was very off. Tim politely said "I'd love that and your offer but, I really have to get going now my mom is really sick and she's waiting for me at home". "Okay then, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Tim." She slowly started to walk away from him and she disappeared. Tim was really shocked, he had never seen or experienced anything like this before. When he got home, his mom was starting to feel a bit better. Tim was glad his mom was starting to get better, but he still needed answers. He was really confused and concerned about what had just happened at the mall. So he ate dinner and searched it up. What he found out next was unbelievable. Apparently the girl he saw was a SUCCUBUS. Tim was very shocked. "So she was a demon...what is going on..." he said before, he got tapped on the shoulder and a voice gently whispered in his ears "do you miss me?" To be continued.....

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