Chapter 1

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It had been a full two months since Dice had returned to his hometown and he was doing well. He had his own place, a small studio apartment, and had a steady job at a different casino, he ran the blackjack table and sometimes was able to sing to entertain guests. He was starting to feel better, but his heart was still shattered, he missed his old boss and drank frequently to forget that. He often considered calling the Devil and telling him that he was safe and where he was, but he never did. Reminding himself that the devil did not care for him, he was just a no-good lackey to him. He sighed as he laid down on his bed, staring at the mirror on his ceiling, normally he took great pride in his appearance but now he found it hard to care as he looked at himself he couldn't help but nonotive just how broken he looked. He was mearly a shell of the man he once was.

The Devil, meanwhile, was looking for King Dice, the cup brothers had beat him and he was looking for comfort from Dice, his favorite worker who had snuck his way into his cold uncaring heart. But he hadn't been there when he went to his room. He'd searched all over Inkwell Isle before finding out that King Dice had left, he tried to convince the person selling ferry tickets to tell him where King Dice had gone but they had no idea, explaining that they didn't remember since had been about two months prior.  The Devil was pissed but there wasn't much he could do. 

He thought for a moment before asking, "Do you at least remember if he had gone to the mainland or another island?" 

He thinks for a moment, "Yeah, he went down to the mainland, but I'd be surprised if he isn't dead, that fella was pretty badly wounded when he left."

The Devil looked at the 3 cities on the mainland that the ferry offered, trying desperately to remember where King Dice had said he was from. He sighs, deciding that he probably didn't live in SunnyBurrow despite his obvious southern accent. That left two choices, Toon Town or Blackburn City. He debated between the two, looking at the map to see where they were, he hadn't been off Inkwell Isle in a very long time, so all this was new to him. He noticed that they were both pretty close to each other so even if he picked wrong he might be able to get to the second town easy enough. He looked to the ticket seller, "One ticket to Blackburn City."

"You got it, mister," He got the ticket and took the money, handing the ticket to the Devil, "I should warn you though, city folk don't like people walkin' around naked, even if they are covered in fur, you might wanna put some clothes on."

The Devil groaned but went to the bathroom and dressed in a pair of slacks and a dress shirt, the top few buttons were undone. And soon enough, he was on his way to Blackburn City to find his crush.

Dealing with the Devil (King Dice x Devil)Where stories live. Discover now