23; a filly and some jealousy

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THE CAR WAS SLOWLY MAKING ITS WAY UP POLLY'S NEIGHBOURHOOD, THE WINDOW OPEN BY HER SIDE WHILE THE SIX BOYS PILED UP IN THE BACK OF THE CAR. Well, it was more a little truck than it was a car, but it was enough room for everyone to get in and that was more than enough. John had negotiated with Thomas to drive to Polly's house, assuring to give back the steering wheel to his older brother to hit the road to the auction, and Delilah had very obviously gotten the passenger side. With her beige silk dress and the white fur coat around her shoulders, it simply was out of the question for her to sit in the back.

As soon as the brick house came into view, John blew the car horn, the noise echoing all through the paved street right into Polly's and Michael's ears. Delilah chuckled as the car stopped, John still pressing on the horn, and Polly appeared at the front door right as the redhead put her heeled feet on the asphalt ground.

"Fucking bastards," Polly cursed, approaching the car with a little grin on her face. "I can't believe you let this happen, posh girl."

"I think I might be adopting Birmingham's ways after all," the redhead chuckled, her arms wrapped around Michael when he approached her. "You can sit in the back with the boys, love."

Michael nodded and made his way behind the car, Arthur and Angelo sliding on the further left to leave him enough room. Polly's hand gripped Delilah's wrist and pulled her closer, glaring at her impatient nephew waiting by the driver's side.

"Everything will be fine," Delilah assured, slowly breaking from Polly's harsh touch. "If anything happens, I will hold myself accountable and face the consequences, alright? He'll be fine."

Polly nodded and waved at her son while Delilah walked back into the car, easily sliding beside Thomas. She settled herself in the seat and waved at Polly when the woman started to disappear in the rearview mirror, alone in the middle of a posh neighbourhood and under the heavy rain clouds above their heads.

"So, what do you do when you're driving so much?" Michael asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Well, it depends," Angelo responded, raising a dark eyebrow at his younger sister.

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