Chapter Eight

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Kira's POV

I look at him shocked, pushing him away.

"Demetri what the ACTUAL fuck?!" I scoff

"Look Kira I'm so..." he starts to say


"I know..." he sighs

"That should NOT have happened...we CANNOT tell Hawk, okay!!" I say freaking out

"Actually yeah it should have Lawrence..." he scoffs "I'm MADLY in love with you.."

"No you're not Demetri...I'm with Hawk and I love him more than anyone or anything in this fucking world" I sigh

"Fine whatever....just don't forget who REALLY HAS YOUR FUCKING BACK!" he yells going to leave

"Demetri wait.." I say calmly

"What Kira?" he sighs turning around

I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his middle, pulling him into a hug.

"I know but we can't let anyone know about the kiss, okay?" I sigh looking up at him

He just nods then leaves.

Hawk's POV

I'm sitting on my bed playing video games as Kira calls me, a huge ass smile spreading across my face.

"Hey babe" I smile

"Hey are you?" she asks sweetly

"Yeah are you?" I ask

"Could be better..." she sighs sounding distant

"Baby, are you sure that you are okay?" I ask worried

"Yeah, it's just the amount of homework I have to do before Friday.." she sighs

"Okay babe...oh also how was your meet up with Demetri...he didn't try anything, did he?" I ask grinding my teeth together

" of course not babe!" she says cheerfully

I nod, relaxing a little bit more.

"Okay princess, have a good night sleep...I love you!" I smile

"You too..." she smiles back ending the call

**next day**

Me and Miguel are stretching at the dojo as Aisha walks over to us, holding her phone.

"Hey guys, did you hear about what Demetri and Kira did last night?" she asks not looking up from her phone

I look at Miguel confused, then back up at her.

"Apparently when he went over to hers...they kissed...see look she texted me"

Miguel grabs her phone, looking at the texts.

"I'm so sorry bro but it looks like it's true..." he frowns at me

"Nah it's not...Kira would NEVER do that to me..." I say continuing to stretch "let's hope it's not for his sake at least.."

"Hawk don't do anything that you will regret...remember there HAS to be an explanation...just talk to her..." Miguel sighs

"Explanation or not...he's dead meat..." I snarl getting up

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