Chapter 3 - Memories

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Pranee was slow to wake when morning came even with the sunlight shining so brightly in her eyes. She moves to sit up but stops when she feels something move against her chest. She blinks in surprise as she looks down to see what it was but giggles, seeing the monkey curled up against her wrapped in a blanket had quickly reminded her of what happened the night before. Pranee smiles as she pets the sleeping monkey softly so as not to wake it. She knew she would need to get up and start packing everything away soon, but she couldn't bring herself to not if it might wake her small monkey. So Pranee lay on her side with her head resting on a propped hand. She watched her little Zuì sleep quietly sometimes making a few coos or squeaks.

After a few long moments, Pranee got herself up without waking the little monkey and began to pack everything away. It didn't take her long to get everything put back where it belonged since there wasn't much she carried even now. She turns to head back to pack the blankets away but stops at the sight before her, her little Zuì was awake but managed to tangle themselves in the blanket they were wrapped up in. Pranee tried not to laugh but a few giggles slipped past her lips when the little monkey let out panicked squeaks at being tangled. She heads over and gets down on her knees beginning to untangle her little Zuì while reassuring him, "Hush little monkey I'm right here you're fine."

The little monkey settles with quiet squeaks as they watch Pranee untangle them. Once untangled the little monkey makes a triumphant squeaky grunt before running around. Pranee shakes her head affectionately while she grabs the blankets heading back to the bags to put them away. The little monkey stops their play when they see Pranee moving and quickly catch up to her, wrapping arms and legs around her leg. Pranee glances down and giggles bending down to scoop her little Zuì up letting them cling to the front of her shirt. Once Pranee was sure she had everything and what was left of the campfire was properly put out she slung her bags onto her back. She shifted the bags so she was a bit more comfortable then checked her little Zuì who cooed in curious confusion at what was happening. Pranee giggled and began heading for the nearby road an arm wrapped under the bum of her little monkey.

"We are moving little Zuì Bǎohù, we were only resting for the night" she explains softly smiling down at her little monkey for a moment before looking ahead again.

The little monkey tilted its head to the side before trying to climb onto Pranee's shoulders who at first wasn't thrilled at the idea, "No little Zuì what if you fall and get hurt?"

The little monkey looks at her with a happy grin and coos at her and Pranee sighs softly slowly letting go of his leg. She stops walking for the moment feeling her little Zuì climbing onto her shoulders. Once she feels they're settled she continues on her way. Not too long after this they both hear a growl, the little monkey tightens his grip on Pranee's ears while Pranee laughs easily recognizing the growl for what it was. She sticks her hand into her satchel and rifles through it as she walks before she pulls out a tangerine. She peels it with her little Zuì squeaking curiously, Pranee gives him a peel which is taken eagerly. While Pranee begins to tear the tangerine to equal pieces her little monkey is sniffing and playing with the peel she'd given them.

When she was finished with the tangerine she holds a piece out for them. The little monkey looks at the offered piece with excitement taking it and beginning to eat it. Pranee stifles her giggles as she pops a piece of tangerine into her mouth. This keeps going with Pranee giving her little Zuì a piece then herself and repeating until the fruit is all gone. Pranee grins when she hears a small yawn behind her head as well as, her little monkey curling against her likely taking a nap still gripping her ears tightly. She continues her journey to the next town greeting any travelers she comes across. Her little Zuì does wake eventually and jumps down to the ground as they were about to run off Pranee spoke, "And where do you think you are going?"

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