Deliciously Mr.Fabulous

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Sophie is trying to piece together the pieces of her drunken night, and how the deliciously Mr.fabulous ended up in her bed? or did he?

The radio alarm clock made me jump from my slumber! Heck what the fuck? Grabbing my pillow I throw it over my head trying to drown out the drone of Sinatra and his band  blasting out on easy FM. Ahh no use, with the alarm screaming out over the other side of the room “refusing to shut up’’ I had no choice but to get up! Hung over and half asleep I make my way to the kitchen, but not before doing my alarm clock an internal injustice.  

Oh the joys of work and a hang over “not the best of combinations!.  craving my caffeine addiction I throw on the kettle in a zombified motion, a quick brush of the teeth, a swill of my face and I start to feel  slightly more human again.

Two cups of coffee and a cat litter disaster later, 'stupid idiotic cat! I make my way to my old trusted KA car. Food immediately pulls me in as I smell the aroma of eggs, bacon, etc coming from Marley’s café... unconcerned about the twenty minutes I have to get to work, I make my way in.

Marley’s assistant Claire nods at me, in her frequent teenage 'Neanderthal' way as I grunt

“the usual”.  

Slumping down in to my familiar cosy window view table, I hear Marley whistling away like the joys of summer, great my hangover has just got worse!

Arrr  sophieaa’,  

I cringe as I hear Marley drill out my name in his bad English/French accent.

How is we today? 'arrr you is looking slightly worse for zee wear Sophie. 

I splutter into my coffee, well thank you for the compliment Marley!

‘ahhhh you know me my dear, always zee charmer, rough night last night? He asks me with a rather amused grin on his face.

Yes, I reply. one to many wines I'm feeling it this morning, but nothing one of your fabulicious full English breakfast’s won’t fix though, and you disappearing, I mutter under my breath. Don’t get me wrong I love Marley and he makes the best full English/French breakfast’s, but let me stress, with his lets say, shining… no overwhelming personality, Marley and hang over’s have a tendency to clash!

Ah where you going last night then?He asks.  

Oh just around concert square, with a few friends after work. I can’t remember much of it after the first two Jager bombs.

Ahh, he piped, so you not meet the man of your dreams then? I always tell you I am here for zee taking; I am just waiting for you to realize my beautiful ‘Sophie.

He said it with such conviction, that if I didn’t know better I would swear he was trying to bed me.

Then it hit me... a cringe worthy, drunkenfied, image exploded into my mind like a fresh batch of fire works on a bonfire. A man… A tall dark... very... very handsome, deliciously good looking man… Then me, a very drunken, desperate looking, no doubt bedraggled me! One by one the memories started flooding, some good, some err’ not so good and some Mmmmm bloody fantastic!  Oh my god, I had to get out of here, and fast! the thought and memory of this Mr. fabulous were too much to handle in Marley’s little café, and I wasn't willing to share them with any one else their, least of all Marley. Jumping up, I quickly make my excuses to a rather confused looking Marley, and left.

Making my way back to my apartment, I grab my mobile phone punching the speed dial to my best friend Samantha, It goes straight to voicemail.

Shit’ I squeak, Sam, it’s me; give me a call ASAP please this is very VERY important.

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