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It was spring, yet didn't feel like it, a thick blanket of sadness and regret covered his entire world, the sky and ground merging together into a grey mess, even the wet grass looked pale and dead, which was unusual for the time of year.

Draco trudged slowly towards the stone, which still looked clean and new, for it was only 5 years ago to the date when it all happened.

He placed the black roses down, the stems the only source of colour in his eyes, as they reminded him of the deep green the girl adores. The deep green ribbon she wears in her hair everyday, which is frayed and dirty, the only untidy thing about her, yet she would never throw it away. The same deep green she wears everyday to school, small stripes of it going down her tie and more on her well deserved prefect badge, which she wears with pride, signifying the good girl she is and always will be. The same deep green of her cat-like eyes, that stare up at him even from beyond the grave.

For the girl was dead, stone cold dead. The stone said it all:

'here lies Evelyn Pucey 16th October 2000- 4th August 2018'

He sees her at night, laying next to him and goes to stroke her hair but she stirs, and disappears without a goodbye, just how she had the night it all happened.

A fire broke out, god knows how. The girl was carried through, her nightdress grey as the sky above him, her face pale and lips blue, the green ribbon untouched and vibrant in her hair.

Dead is all she ever will be some, even to her parents but Draco feels more, more than he felt with Astoria's death, more than he felt when his only childhood friend was murdered by his very aunt. It hurt terribly, a knife was continuously stabbing him with every, single, heartbeat.

An accident is all it was, no one to blame, yet he knew there was more to the story, for how can a fire start without a match. Who held that match? No one would ever know.

'Sleep well my darling' he said one last time, and started walking back to the house. A black cat with the same green eyes sat on the wall nearby, a scowl on its face. He ignored it, walked back into the house, the tattered, green ribbon around his wrist.

He asked his son to light the fire, and Scorpius struck a match.

Burning love- D.MWhere stories live. Discover now