Chapter 2: The Stranger

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"C'mon, can't you sneak me in or something?" I beg James as we near the towering mass of glass that is Starfleet HQ. We had to make a quick pit stop on the way so he could change into his command uniform, and of course I'd taken the opportunity to run to my living quarters and throw on my most official looking Academy garb. I'd managed to make good time and still catch up to him, which he was less than thrilled with.

He speeds up his pace, trying to lose me. "(Y/n), I don't know how many times I have to tell you. You're not Senior Command!"

"But I'm-"

"Top of your class, yes I know." He doesn't stop walking but I get close enough to hear him mutter, "As everyone keeps telling me."

We near the double doors and I bolt ahead, wearing a devilish smirk and using one arm to block his way in. "Are you... Jealous, James?"

That struck a nerve. Angrily, he shoves me to the side, out of his way. "Go home." He enters the building and I rush in after him.

"Look, Jim, I'm sorry... hey listen!" Right as he's pressing the button for the elevator, I grab his arm and pull him to face me, ignoring his death stare. "Look, in a week I'll be graduated and assigned to some random ship as a Lieutenant Commander and you'll be off on the Enterprise and I'll hardly ever see you again." His eyes soften as he realizes I'm being sincere. "Please, James, I just want to spend time with you before you leave me again. Is that so bad?" I give him the puppy dog eyes that I had used all too many times when we were kids to get what I wanted.

His warm blue eyes search mine for a long time before he caves in with a sigh. "Alright." I crack a smile as he gestures to the now-open elevator, beckoning me in. "But no funny business, alright? You wait outside until the meeting is adjourned."

I nod, trying to contain my excitement. "You won't even know I'm there. Pinky promise." I hold out my pinky for him to take. He looks at it, then looks at me like 'wtf'. Awkwardly, I put it away. "Erm... never mind."

The elevator dings and the doors open, signaling our arrival. James walks briskly down the hall towards the Daystrom conference room and I am close on his heels, our regulation boots clicking on the floor. I spare a glance at the gorgeous view through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the San Francisco city lights twinkling against the dark night sky. I'm so distracted by the view I don't even realize he has stopped, and I run straight into the back of James. Oops.

"Sorry," I apologize and give him a half-hearted pat on the back.

He rolls his eyes, probably not as annoyed as he was pretending to be. "Wait here. I'll come and get you when we're done." He gestures to a cushioned bench just mere meters from the doors of the conference room.

"And then you'll give me all the details?" I plead hopefully.

He knits his brow. "Miss Kirk, that is classified information. It's not meant for civilians." He relaxes and then throws me a wink. "I'll think about it."

Satisfied, I sit on the bench, looking inconspicuous as best as I could until the doors of the conference room were fully shut. As soon as they close, I scurry over and put my ear to the door, desperately trying to hear what they were saying. I hear nothing but muffled, unintelligible noises. Pouting, I decide to pace the hall instead.

After what feels like an hour of pacing, counting ceiling tiles, and listening to my boots clack on the floor, I stop to take another look at the view. Even some of the tallest buildings did not reach this far up. I smile to myself and breathe in the invigorating feeling. From this high up, I feel like I rule the city. I feel powerful. I watch as one of the city lights in the distance seems to get closer and closer, until I realize, it's a small ship.

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