Burned Alive

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This isn't fair!
I didn't do anything!
I'm not the one who did it!
Why should I have to die for someone else's crime?
I told them!
I TOLD them!
But they didn't listen,
They never listened.,
They judged before I spoke.,
They thought I was the killer..
But I wasn't!
They were the real murderers, 
They are going to kill me!
I didn't kill that little girl.
My own father doesn't believe me.
They tied me up to this pole,
Gagged and bounded me,
That way no one would know the truth.
I struggled against my bindings, 
Sweat rolling down my face.
Panic rising up inside me.
But it was no use.
I couldn't escape the fire-filled fate.
The flames quickly rose.
Their tongues licking dangerously close to me,
Making me sweat and tremble with great fear.
I could feel the heat rising,
My skin burned so grotesquely.
I could smell my flesh burning
Black,burned skin flakes fell off.
The searing pain went throughout my body.
Thinking was impossible.
The only thing I could do was scream and cry.

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