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POV: Jack

As soon as Zach pulled up to the bottom of the trail, I jump out of the car and race to the path.

Zach gets out and shouts after me to slow down and wait for him and Daniel but I ignore him and keep running.

Was I tired as shit? Hell yes I was, but there was one thought that kept me going.

I need Lena.

Halfway to the top and everything is burning. I'm barely taking in enough air to keep going but my mind keeps repeating its mantra.

I need Lena.

I need Lena.

Need Lena.


I feel tears prick my eyes and blur my vision a bit the more I think about not having her but I keep pushing myself to continue running.

Once I stumble to the top I look around, the heat making me disoriented for a second as the mantra in my head stops.

I quickly recover and remember the reason for the running.

"Lena?!" I try to shout out for her, but the word gets stuck in my dry throat and bend over, hands on my knees and gasp for air, trying to calm the burning in my lungs.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing trying to catch my breathe, I stand up straight again and look around.

I make straight route for the spot I was sitting in when she accidentally found me.

Where we watched the sunset together in the most comfortable silence I've ever experienced.

My throat hurts as I walk over to the spot, but I ignore it, finding Lena is more important.

I get to the spot and it's empty.

My heart drops and a lump forms in my throat.

I sit down on the grass and hug my knees close to my chest as tears finally start to fall down my cheeks.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, crying and staring at the city through the tears and I didn't stop when I felt the presence of Daniel and Zach sit down beside me.

Daniel placed a water bottle down on the grass next to me and looked at me with pleading eyes, knowing I needed the water.

I bit my lip hard and hugged my knees together.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and I recognize the familiar comfort of Zach hugging me.

I turn to face him and hug him back.

My face buried in his shoulder as I tried to keep myself from crying more, not even really knowing why I was crying in the first place.

All three of us sat in silence for I'm not even sure how long but it felt like a while.

Eventually Zach and I pulled out of the hug and I turned to face the view of the city again.

I grabbed the water bottle Daniel had put next to me when they arrived and as I opened it I quietly mumbled,

"Thank you"

Then immediately drank some water before I could break down crying again.

"You don't have to thank us J, we love you and we'll find her, I promise" Zach says as he watched me.

I nod slowly and sigh as I stare off.

"Just my luck, huh?" I break the silence and laugh a bit.

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