Back story

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(Read in dark Mode)

Yn pov
My name is yn I am from New Jersey's but i met a guy named Kairi and I love him so much due to my passed it was very hard for me to love people I have never told anyone I love them or people tell me that not even my parents or siblings but he showed me to love
Every person I have even talked to has stabbed me in the back or acted like they cared about me when they didint and he told me to move with him in LA so we moved I have never been happier.I am a actor I decided to join TikTok I have 50 millions followers on Instagram and on TikTok 57 million

Kai pov
My name is kairi AKA kai my ex girlfriend Celia cheated on me so I left her I was torn about the break up I decided to find a rebound to get over my ex I met this girl yn and I decided to date her all my friends liked her I started to catch feeling and then my ex Celia came to LA

Authors note~ I will be putting more character through the chapters enjoy!!!!

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