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alarm goes of
I fall of the bed. So i get up do the regular schdeule.  i punk in my crop top it says love in gold letters. with high wasted jeans. and my jordans. Then i flat iron my hair i have brown hair. and curl it. and put on my gold jewelry
i go down stairs. An my brother looks a mess he intends to make us late for school. mom cooks this reat big meal everyday today we had grits, bacon,bisquts and egg. so theres only 1.piece of bacon left so as i am about to reach and get it. jordan decedies he wasnt to get all over the table.and get the bacon. i mean it aint tat necsseriary to get on the table like tat.
so i have to drive my brother to school. so i get in my white camro and drive him to school. so he gets in the car with orange juice.
kia-jordan if u spill tat orange juice in my car imma kill u.
so my song comes on 7/11.
Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air
Legs movin' side to side, smack it in the air
Legs movin' side to side, smack you in the air
jordan Pov
mmhm shes going to be mad at me when i do this but o well.
end of pov
jordan turns the radio statio to some mexican music. and im like hell nawww. so i turnback so we keep fighting while im drving. AND GUESS WHAT jordan spilled the orange juice
stops the car in the middle of the rode.
closes the door and drives.
my pov
i think i should go get him.,
end of pov
i go back to were jordan is sitting andd i tell get bak in ta car. finally i drop him off and head to school. even though orange juice is every were but ill clean it up. i get to school. i see my bffs near bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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