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"Hold still."

"Sorry," Taehyun said sheepishly. Beomgyu grabbed his face gently, applying some concealer under his eyes. "It tickles"

Beomgyu rummaged through his makeup looking for the specific palette he wanted. Beomgyu had a lot of makeup, it was one of favorite hobbies. Although the only person who knew about it was his boyfriend Taehyun. Taehyun was always impressed when Beomgyu would show him the look he had been working on. Today, Taehyun had finally agreed to be his model.

Taehyun watched Beomgyu's concentrated face as he decided what colors to  use.

"Okay close your eyes." He started brushing a light shade over Taehyun's eyes, one that complemented his eye color well. Taehyun just couldn't stay still though. He reached out his hand and found Beomgyu's leg, tickling him a little.

"Stop! I need to concentrate!" Beomgyu said, trying not to laugh. Taehyun tickled his stomach making Beomgyu flinch and giggle. "You're gonna make me mess up!" He whined.

Taehyun opened his eyes and smirked at his boyfriend. "You're cute."

"Sh-shut up, and close you're eyes I'm not done yet." Taehyun could see him blushing. Reluctantly though, he closed his eyes letting Beomgyu do whatever he wanted. Beomgyu added darker shades to the outer corners of his eyes, blending the colors perfectly.

"Can I look now?" 

"No, I'm not even close yet!" Taehyun was getting restless again. He opened his eyes and pouted at Beomgyu. "Please, I wanna see."

"No looking until I'm done." He scooted slightly closer to Taehyun tilting his face up. "Now stay extra still, I have to do the eyeliner." He applied a thin wing of eyeliner on the outside corner before smudging it with a brown eye shadow.

"Open." Taehyun opened his eyes and looked at Beomgyu. Beomgyu smiled at nodded, proud of his work.

"Do I look pretty?" Taehyun asked flirtatiously. 

"Yes, you look very pretty." Taehyun smiled. No one ever really called him pretty, and he kind of liked it. He stuck out his lips wanting a kiss and Beomgyu leaned forward. Taehyun closed his eyes expecting a kiss but felt Beomgyu lean right past him, as he grabbed something.

"It's time for glitter!" He smiled holding up a small tube with glitter. Taehyun scoffed.

Beomgyu applied the glitter on the corner of his eyes and a little underneath.

"Okay, the eye makeup is done." Beomgyu said, "Look at me," Taehyun opened his eyes and smiled at Beomgyu, batting his eyelashes.

"Ahhh! You're so pretty!" Beomgyu exclaimed, very proud of his work.

 "Can I look now?"

"I'm still not done, it's time for blush and then lips." He leaned over a grabbed a pretty blush that had a little shimmer. He took a fluffy brush and applied it on his cheeks and a little on his nose.

Taehyun stared at Beomgyu, who had the cutest concentrating face. He leaned in a quickly kissed him.

"stoppp, you're making me distracted." Beomgyu blushed. 

"No," Taehyun kissed him again and then kissed him all over his face. Beomgyu giggled before slapping him on the chest teasingly.

"I have to do the lips now, so no more kisses." He put on a gloss and then a darker shade at the center of his lips, blending it out slightly. It made his lips look even more kissable, Beomgyu thought.

"Okay, now you can look." Beomgyu handed him a mirror. Taehyun was speechless when he looked at himself. He looked fucking beautiful.


"Do you like it?"

"It's amazing! I look fabulous," Taehyun admired himself some more as Beomgyu laughed.

"Can you do my makeup more often?"

"Of course!" He kissed him on the cheek as Taehyun pretended to be a model in the mirror. And that's how more nights from then on went. Beomgyu practiced makeup on Taehyun and Taehyun fell in love himself. And Beomgyu of course.

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