Prologue: Ambush in Chetwood

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Prologue: Ambush in Chetwood

A lone rider rode a horse through a dark wood. The rider looked around warily at the surroundings through a green hood, a gloved hand lightly resting on a small hunting bow. Suddenly, four figures dropped from the trees, spooking the horse and making it rear up. The figure fell off the horse, landing on her feet and surrounded by the figures. The girl was smaller and more delicately shaped then the taller, more bulky attackers, but she fought the attackers back with a small dagger, wounding them all before a fifth figure comes up behind the brave one, grabbing her.

He quickly disarmed her as if she were a sapling, yanking her hood off to reveal long, cascading, light brown hair and deep blue eyes raging with hate. "Let me go, filth," she snapped at the man in a menacing but beautiful voice, twisting in the man's grip, trying to get loose from her captor. He chuckled, "First you'll answer some questions, then maybe we'll let you go." "Never in your life," the woman's voice dripped with poison. One of the other men came up and slapped her, "You don't have a choice. What's your name girl?" "As if I'd tell you." The young woman's remark earned her another slap and she tasted blood from a cut on her cheek. She resisted the urge to whimper.

One of the other men, the one that had knocked her off her horse, spoke up, "We're still in danger here on the road, Pox. We should head back to camp, we can get answers from the spy there." A spy? The girl thought, I'm not a spy. "You're right, let's go." The man holding her had been talking and she caught the last end of his sentence. A fourth man, with a bow and a full quiver of arrows, brought out some rope and firmly tied the girl's hands behind her back.

The first man shoved her off the road, but the fifth yanked back on the rope, making her fall back. He picked her up by her shirt and held her so close she could smell his breath. "What's your name, woman, or I'll hurt you." He yanked at her hands for emphasis, making her cringe inwardly, resisting another urge to whimper. "Dan! Get moving!" The leader of the group yelled at the man holding her, and she looked him straight in the eye, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Leoferad, you son of Orc filth." She flinched reflexively at the next slap.


Hey all,

Thank you for reading the prologue, this is my first fanfiction writing and I hope you like it. Do remember all Lord of the Rings characters do not belong to me, but the rest of the characters, such as Pox, Dan and Leoferad, are mine.

So long for now,

Falornel Leafwalker

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