All I Want Is You

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(Sweet - like really sweet)

Song: All I Want by Kodaline

Summary: this is loosely based off of the music video for All I Want by Kodaline, but I sort of changed a few things.
Where a man moves to a new town and takes on the real world like any real man.

It was his first day. He couldn't recognize a single face; new town, new people, new everything. That meant, a whole different judgmental town. He had to start fresh. After all that had happened to him.

"Hello, Harry Styles," He introduced to the receptionist. He had a satchel heavy-weighted on his right shoulder and there had already been a fresh yet unrelieved kink in his neck from his new bedding in his completely new apartment.

"Harry Styles," She trailed, obnoxiously chewing her gum as she searched his timeline on the computer. "Found, Styles Edward Harry," She spoke, not once lifting her gaze to look at him.

"That would be my name spelt backwards," He tried go humor her, though she wasn't having it. Finally, she looked up at him, more with an annoyed expression.

"Your cubicle, level three, try not to be late and please stay on your floor."

He hated the way she was so free to just talk to him like that. It made him uncomfortable and he quickly made a dash, not without sending her and undeserved thank you. Ah, third floor. At least it's not nearly as high as the fiftieth floor; he has a major fear of heights. Including the times where he full-on sobbed all the way past the bridges they had to drive through in order to get to the city. He doesn't like to talk about that.

When the elevator dinged, indicating he had made it to the third floor, he stepped out and walked down the hall with shaky, clenching fists both at his side. He was an overall scared little pup. The distant sound of a sudden printer starting up honestly made him jump a step back.

"Hi," A voice spoke, loud and clear. Harry flinched and whipped his body around to face the person bravely talking to him.

"Uh. . . H-Hi," He replied to the beautiful looking lady. Was she actually talking to him? He hasn't even found his own stupid cubicle and he's already chatting someone up. Ace, Harry!

"I can tell you're new. Or else I would've recognized you," she laughed, softly. Harry's heart totally did not flutter when such a melodic sound like her laugh rang through his ears. Nervously, he started to fidget on the spot. Pretty, too pretty, can't stand here any longer.

"Yeah, do you happen to know if you've seen an empty c-cubicle?" He quickly stammers. He feels bad for changing the subject, but he urgently needs to take a seat before he embarrassingly faints in front of everyone on his first day. The thought makes him want to faint even more.

"Yeah, it's actually near mine!" She exclaimed, gesturing for him to follow her to which he did. "God, I sound so weird saying that. All this adulthood really hasn't hit me yet, which it probably should have considering I'm almost twenty-four," She rambles on. Huh. . . Well, she's a year younger than you, Harry. "Here we are!"

Harry stared at the completely empty space of his cubicle.

"Thank you," He politely thanked her, the sweat from the back of his neck starting to seep into his white button up. Gross.

"My pleasure, sorry, I hadn't asked for your name."

"I-It's Harry." Please leave me so I can stop shaking and sweating like I just had an intense work out at the gym; which by the way would be an absolute waste of time and money. Who needs to get fit when you're just gonna end up caving in and snacking junk food? He's been down that road, hasn't looked back ever since.

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