Fresh Start

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I wanted a fresh start, so here I am!

I always tend to overshare whenever I'm on Wattpad, so I'm trying to keep that on the minimum because I don't want to talk all about my messes on here :p

There are many reasons why I want a fresh start!

Another reason for a fresh start is because I'm just out of a relationship and need to do something new. Sort of like a cleanser, if you will.

It wasn't a particularly messy ending, but it was an ending nevertheless. But with all endings come a new beginning!

This beginning is just going to be focusing on me and the queen I am :>

I mean, the main one being that I am actually online and active on Wattpad now!! Its been like a year since I was last here, and I really apologize and feel guilty :((

But thats okay because I'm here now and I missed everything about this!!

I've found new hobbies and things to invest my time in and I'm excited for that. I'm learning how to skateboard.

I'm actually horrible at it right now, but it's only my first week! I can barely stand on it and kick turn, but hey, progress is progress, am I right!

I took a college course that hasn't been too bad, except for the fact that I have to do assignments every day. I'm trying to get outside more and breathe much-needed clean air.

I've been locked inside due to Covid for a year+ so that was absolutely necessary.

I hope my writing skills have improved during my time away, but only time can tell! I mean I was always an advanced reader and writer even when I was young, so in all honesty, I'm not too worried about that.

So yeah, you've probably noticed, I've changed! In a good way? In a bad way? Who knows?

I'm still the person I was before, just different due to circumstance. I still very much love all of you guys, and am excited dor this new start to unfold! <3

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