Call From a Friend

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July, 2017

My name is John, I live in the middle of the forest in Romania. I live with my girlfriend Angel. I'm a hunter and have been since I was a young boy. I just turned 18 a few days ago.

"John it's for you." Angel calls to me.

"Who is it?" I ask approaching the phone.

"It's Ethan, he says it's important." She replies.

I take the phone from her.


"John I need your help."

"Why? What's going on?"

"My wife went missing three years ago, and I just got a message from her today telling me to come save her."

"Where do I need to meet you?"

"Louisiana. I'll meet you at the airport."

We hang up.

"I gotta go, I'm sorry. It'll be awhile until I come back." I tell Angel.

I rush upstairs to my room and change clothes.

I change into dark blue jeans, a red shirt, and a black jacket.

I change into dark blue jeans, a red shirt, and a black jacket

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I run back downstairs and I put my shoes on.

"Come with me. I need you to bring the car back." I tell Angel.

"O-ok." Angel replies.

We get in the car and I drive to the nearest airport.

"Goodbye Angel." I say hugging her.

"Don't say it like that." She says returning the hug. "It sounds like you're not coming back."

I laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll come back." I reassure her.

I get on the plane and fall asleep.

I wake up before the plane reaches its destination.

'Shit I forgot to pack my stuff. Well, at least I have my phone. Angel would yell at me for hours.' I think to myself.

After a few more hours the plane finally reaches the destination. I get off the plane and Ethan greets me.

"Hey Ethan, how have you been?" I ask.

"I've been good. What about you?" Ethan asks.

"Been great, Angel keeps on nagging for me to get a real job." I laugh.

"I bet." Ethan laughs. "Where's all of your stuff?"

"Forgot to pack, I only have my phone." I reply.

"Forgetful as always." Ethan laughs. "C'mon, I'll drive us there."

"Can we get something to eat first?" I ask holding my stomach.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry anyways." Ethan replies.

After grabbing a bite to eat we head to the location Mia is at.

"So, what should we expect?" I ask.

"Not sure, but over 20 people have been reported missing here." Ethan replies.

"Oh shit." I reply. "We should be careful then."

We make it to some really old and creepy house.

"So this is it huh." I say to myself.

"Yep." Ethan replies. "I'm coming Mia."

We start walking to the house. I look down and see a dead cop. I pick up his pistol and I make sure it's loaded.

 I pick up his pistol and I make sure it's loaded

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"Sorry, but you won't be needing this anymore." I tell the dead cop.

"Dammit, it's locked." Ethan says trying to open the gate.

From the corner of my eye I see a man walking past some trees. I point my pistol in the direction of the man.

I see no one.

"Ethan, over there." I tell Ethan.

He looks in the direction I was facing and starts walking.

"Accept her gift?" Ethan reads.

"The hell does that mean?" I ask.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out." Ethan replies.

We continue to follow the trail until we eventually find another gate that leads to the house.

Ethan opens the gate and I rush in front of him to enter the house first.

I kick the door open and point my pistol into the dark.

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