Chapter One

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With a loud grunt, I set the final box down. I got up and looked around at our brand new apartment. Well, brand new to us anyways. The apartment building itself is incredibly old.

“Hey Andie, wanna help me with this?”

I turned towards the voice and chuckled as I looked Ryan. He was struggling to life the couch up, his brown curls sticking to his forehead, slick with sweat.

“You just gonna stand there,” he groaned?

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Ryan is my twin brother. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, we decided that it was time to get away from that place, get away from our past. So, we packed up what little things we had and moved to England. More specifically, to a little town right by the West coast of England named Formby. It’s right next door to Liverpool.

To some, it may seem odd for a brother and sister to move in together, but my brother and I have always been exceptionally close. We’ve been through a lot togather and we take care of each other.

With a sigh and a light chuckle, I made my way over to him. “What, can’t handle a little old couch, not can we,” I mocked?

He glowered at me from his crouched position, “Ha ha. Just get over here and help me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know. You’re being pretty mean.”


“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” I walked over to him and helped him lift the couch so that he could slide part of the rug underneath it. “There. Happy now,” I said?

“Very,” he beamed at me, “Come on, we need to keep unpacking.”

So, over the next few hours Ryan and I unpacked our apartment, which thankfully came fully furnished.

I just got finished unpacking my room when Ryan walked in. “Wow, sis, it looks nice.”


I had chosen the smaller of the two rooms in the flat. My reasoning? It had more windows than the other bedroom. Two of the walls were made entirely of floor-to-ceiling windows. The other two walls were painted a light, almost white, grey color. The plush carpet was a rich brown. My bed stood in front of me, facing a wall of windows. It was the first thing you saw when you entered the room. The closet and dresser were to my right. The walls were bare. It was simple. I loved it.

“How is yours looking,” I asked Ryan?

“Come and see.”

I followed Ryan through the apartment to his bedroom, which I insisted be on the opposite side of the apartment, since he is rather loud.

“Welcome to Casa Ryan,” he said, doing a grand sweeping gesture with his arm.

His room was organized similar to mine, only his room has brighter colors and posters on the walls. His walls were a light blue, his carpet dark black. There was a subtle masculine feel, it suited him perfectly.

“I like it.”

“Of course you do, it’s Casa Ryan,” he beamed at me.

I rolled my eyes. “We should go check out the town,” I suggested, “I’m hungry and we don’t exactly have groceries.”

“Another brilliant suggestion from the one and only Andie! Sure, let’s go. I’ll text Dylan our address and see when he can come and visit.”

“Visit,” I snorted, “You mean he’s not going to live here?”

Ryan got a sad look in his eyes, “He said he would think about it. Andie, I’m worried. What if he doesn’t like me anymore? I mean, he’s been gone for a year now, what if he forgot about me?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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