Part 1

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Mia ran as the bus exploded. She dodged bullets that were fired at her. She turned around and shot her own back at them. She ran into the trees and jumped up landing on a platform made of old pieces of wood. She heard them run past the tree she was hiding in. She had been running for days now. Ever since her Mom turned her in for stealing money from someone to buy her a birthday present. She had been on the run for a month. Living on her own scavenging for food. She grabbed her bag that she had snagged from a guy at an amusement park. It was packed with jam sandwiches and a water bottle. It also had a phone and some sunscreen. She took a bite of the sandwich. She guzzled some water. She put the backpack on and jumped down from her tree. She ran weaving in and out of the tree line. She reached the town and snuck in the back of a building. It was a hunting store. She needed more supplies. She snatched some bullets and some rope and was about to leave till she saw a bow and arrow she grabbed and a quiver with many arrows. She ran back into the forest and went to one of her safe houses. There she practiced with her bow and arrow until she had gotten really good. One day she travelled much deeper into the forest than she usually did. She heard sounds and stopped dead in her tracks. She turned but didn't know what way to go. She heard a twig snap nearby. She pulled out her bow and notched an arrow. Suddenly the bushes rustled and she found herself surrounded by a pack of wolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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