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"babe! babe! come downstairs now!"

I come walking down the stairs slow as ever

"whaat! do you know what time it is?! its 7am!! let me sleep"

"no, not until I get an explanation for this" he pulls out a teddy bear and roses with a card

"I don't know what that is. and why is the teddy bear blue?'

"you think I know! anyways.. Who sent this to you?!"

"I don't know maybe a secret admirer or you bought it and decided to prank me"

"no Annalise this is not a prank"

"let me see the card"

he hands me the car I open it up and it says: roses are read this teddy bear is blue I wanted to let you know I'm in love with you!

"see I told you its some secret admirer you would never buy me anything like this"

"yeah! but who sent it your mine and mine only."

"first of all I may be your girlfriend but I'm not your property! second of all how am I supposed to know!?"

carter rolls his eyes

"now if you don't mind im going to bed"

I go back up stairs and crawl in my bed and go back to sleep

awake back around 3pm a start screaming as I check the time

"CARTER!" I yell running down stairs into the living room


"calm down you can always re schedule"


"chill ill pay for your next girls day ok"

"OKAY GOOD! AND ILL MAKE SURE ITS EXTRA EXPENSIVE!!" I say storming off and slamming the door to my room

I aggressively grab my phone and put in my password and go straight to Neveah's contacts and press face time

"hey Nea"

" Annalise you stood me up today"

"no no no it wasn't like that I had slept in on accident"

"why didn't your boyfriend wake you up?"

"idk but I yelled at him for it and he said he will pay for everything at our next girls day"

"oh- okay I guess"

"for our next girls day were going to paris!"

"are you sure. I mean anna this is your boyfriends money"

"yess! that's the point we can do what ever we want lets make him pay!"

"yeah yeah okay.."

"so lets start planning everything-"

the door bell rings and rings and rings and rings and rings

"ill be back my boyfriend obviously is to lazy to get the door"

I throw my phone on my bed and run down stairs

"carter what the heck your not gonna answer it?!"

carter totally ignores me. I run to the door and there is a chocolate box flowers and a letter. I look around outside but nobody was there-

I take the stuff and close the door and open the letter it says

roses are red this chocolate is brown my dear you would look so pretty in a crown

I scoff and say "this is really cringey"

I throw the letter away and the flowers and take the chocolates back up stairs to my room.

I put the chocolates on my bed and sit down and pick up my phone

"so who was at the door" neveah says

"nobody but they left me a gift."

"Ooo looks like you have a secret admirer im so jealous"

"its really not all that great like are they so scared they cant tell me to my face instead they stalk me lol"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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