Chapter 1

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^^ what nova wore to the concert

Enjoy :)


"I'm so glad we only have a few more hours left at work then we get to see Harry styles and have a break for  3 weeks in that hotel, what's it called again ?" I ask ivy

"The Hilton Bentley" 

I work in a tattoo shop with my best friend ivy. I've worked here for about a year now, I started when I was 18 and I turned 19 a couple of months ago it was always my dream as a kid plus I live in Miami so it's always hot here.

Tonight me and ivy are going to a Harry styles concert, I've been a fan of Harry for a few years and I've always wanted to see him but my mother didn't let me. I don't have the best relationship with my mother,I moved out when I was 16 and I haven't seen her since.


The front door of the tattoo studio chimes letting me know someone just walked in,

I look up from the paperwork on the desk to see a man walk in with a all black suit with the top few buttons undone and a pair of expensive looking sunglasses. Why would you wear a suit in Miami it's always boiling.

"Good afternoon. Do you have an appointment ?" I ask as he approaches the front desk

"Yes, under zayn Malik for 13:05"

"Okay I'll be doing your tattoo today, follow me"

I lead us into one of the tattooing rooms and ask him to sit on chair while I make the stencil of the design he chose out

He chose a little glow in the dark light saver to go on the side of his middle finger, nothing too big.

"So how come your wearing a suit on Miami weather" I ask making small talk as a put the stencil on his finger and start to do the tattoo

"I own a hotel not so far away from here I gotta look the part, I also have somewhere to be tonight"

"Ah no way, what's it like owning a hotel it must be amazing right?" I ask

Imagine how cool it would be to have your very own hotel.

A girl can dream

He lets out a little chuckle looking out the windows while  grazing his thumb over his bottom lip then looking back at me.
"You'd have no idea"

The concert starts in a few minutes, me and ivy are right at the front so we have the best view, I brought my camera to take some photos too.

I look around the arena seeing how many fans Harry has, it's a full arena and it's beautiful.I look up to one of the private booths and see.. is that... zayn ? And he's sitting next to some blonde guy. Both in suits.

A suit at a concert? Okay

"who are you looking at" ivy almost shouts from all the noise in the arena, nudging me

"Look up there in the booth, it's the guy I tattooed earlier" I say looking back up pointing to the booth zayn and the blond guy are sitting in

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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