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You sigh softly walking outside to your porch, you shiver as the cold air hit your skin,you groan. It was another cloudy rainy day on earth, the clouds where so dark you couldn't tell it was only noon. You where waiting outside for someone, a blind date. Your morail porrum had black mailed you into it. You take a cigarette pack out and take out your lighter, lighting up a cigarette and sitting on the steps of your porch to watch the rain well you wait, you look up at the sky watching the droplets come down and lightning dance in the clouds "gonna be a bad one huh cheif?" A voice called from the side a while later. you look over, surprised. You knew his face and name, nothing more though. Cronus ampora, porrum talks about him every now and then.
"Cronus right?" He walks up to get under the roof "that's my name doll." You chuckle "don't wear it out, I'll wear you out." You roll your eyes"is that a threat?" He smirks "maybe~" he wiggles his eyebrows, you push him away by the face and laugh, then stand up "c'mon dude," and go inside with Cronus on your tail. You go into the kitchen opening a cabinet as cronus leans on the counter "want anything to drink or eat ?" You ask "if your on the menu I'll take you.~" you blush a little and look at him throwing a box of cereal at him giggling "your horrible!" He dodges it and pouts "but you like horrible, dontcha?" You think then shrug "possibly." You smile at him and head to the living room sitting on the couch with him by you, and putting on a movie


You sigh frustrated with yourself. You couldnt stop staring at his fins, they where just there and they'd twitch every now and then. For some odd reason you wanted to touch them, giving in you sneakily lean up and kiss one earning a small quiet moan from Cronus

Cronus X (Female Human) Reader Lemon Where stories live. Discover now