the beginning of every ending.

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"is everything okay? You haven't called me these days until i call you first"

Seulgi sipped her hot chocolate tea , while her eyes were fixed at the man who was sitting silently , while his eyes staring at the ceiling.

Seulgi knew something was up. This wasn't the first time her lover act this way. It's been months , ever since dynamite comeback. They just happened to be busy with promoting , outside south korea on top of that. Seulgi tried her best to understand his schedule, hence why she rarely tries to text him , different timezone made it hard for her as well. Should i text him now? what timezone is it? Is he eating his breakfast right now? So many thoughts inside seulgi's head. Yet she chose to be understanding and let the man infront of him take his time.

The man sighed, a loud sigh. His fingers touched his lips several times , his mouth was seen moving , probably trying to figure out what to say.

"What is it?" She asked patiently. She may not show it but she was anxious , her fingers were fidgeting with one another. Her mind was preparing for the worst case scenario.

"I...." he paused. He let out another heavy sigh.
His eyes were staring at the ground , his knees were moving nervously , just like her , he was also preparing for the worst case scenario.


"-do you want us to break up?"

Before he could even finish his sentence , she already did. He flinched in surprise , was i too obvious? He monologue.

"Are you a kid or what? Im not on the ground , im here , so look at me if you wanna deal with this maturely" she said , though she chuckled a little at the end.

It wasn't obvious , but she was clearly trying to lighten up the atmosphere. He looks up slowly , and to his suprise , the woman infront of him wasn't crying , instead...she was

"Smile.....why are you smiling?"

"Do you want me to cry like a baby then? Will that make u feel better?"

She chuckled once again.
He clenched his fist tightly , while she was reaching for her drink. Why? How can you still smile? Is this easy for you? Why are you not crying? Does this not hurt you? He thought.

"Stop it.." he said silently.

She was sipping her drink , let out a small "mmh?" ,
Probably asking him to repeat what he said once again as she couldn't catch it.

"Stop it."


"Stop that. Stop smiling. I asked for a break up , how can you still smile? I broke our promise to stay together , i broke your heart okay? Why are you still smiling-"

"-then what do you want me to do?-"

"-I DON'T KNOW. EVERYTHING YOU DO JUST BOTHER ME. IT BOTHERS ME SO BAD THAT IT WON'T LEAVE MY MIND OKAY I DON'T KNOW!" He stood up , shouting , letting his feelings consumed him.

He was furious. He didn't know what he needs to do. He didn't know the woman infront of him would accept his request lightheartly. When he deserves to be hit , when he deserves to be insult at.

"Will it make you feel better if i did cry?"

"I don't....know...." he sat down. His voice was muffled as he was covering his face.

He clenched his hair tightly , a small sobbing can be heard from where she was sitting. He was crying. She knew she had all the rights to be mad , but somehow she couldn't. Not when the man , infront him , who she has been loving for more than 3 years , the man infront of him , who she has been taking care of for years , crying silently. His voice clearly showed how he was in pain. He was suffering. This relationship between him and her , this relationship wasn't healthy as she thought. She stood up , and went next to him. She slowly kneeled infront of him , she took both of his hands slowly , making him facing her once again.

The Beginning Of Every Ending | Seulmin • ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now