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Picture of Brooke on the side!


I can already feel a bruise starting to form as Juli kicks me in my stomach and face.

I feel no pain anymire form being beaten up so many times by so many people.

When she stops, finally, I get up and walk to my next class, which is art, my favorite class.

I walk into the room only to feel everybodies eyes turn to me filled with disgust and hatred.

I sit down in the back of the room, far away from anyone else in the room.

Just as I am about to get my stuff out, the announcments come on direct all students to the auditorium for a special announcment.

Everybody sits down in the seats on the auditorium to hear what news they had for us.

The principal walked to the microphone and bagan to speak he said...

"I have decided the three girls who are going to be in charge of our most popular booth, which is the kissing booth!" He exclaimed.

I knew it wasn't me wh was chosen because I am just some ugly a** bi*ch who is hated by everyone.

He started to speak agian, hushing everyone who was talking.

"The three girls are, Julianna Merta, Stephine Mifens, and Brooke Normens." he answered,but as soon as he said my name, the room went nearly silent.

They all look at me with hatred and anger. I knew that the booth would not be as populaur as any year before because of me being there.

The assembly ended immediantly after he finished and this signaled the end of the day because whenever we have assemlbies that are not expected, we get to go home early.

I walked to my locker. I found a note on the front of it .

It said, You better be prepared for this weekend.

It was probably just another mean girl out to get me. I put my stuff in my bag and started to walk home.

When I got home, after I et my stuff down, my "father" pushed me to the floor. He didn't say anything, but he did continue to kick me till I broke at least 3 ribs and have massive bruises everywhere and probably more internal bleeding as well.

I waited there on the floor till he went upstairs and fell asleep.

I snuck out of the house as quietly as I could.

I slowly made my way to the hospital.

I walked into the waiting area and went up to the desk.

"Hey, Martha. I am here to get some injuries checked out today." I said to the lady behind the counter, who I had seen alot of times since I had to come her every week.

"Oh, hey Brooke! I will get you checked in as soon as possible! How are you lately?" she asked.

"Do you want to know all of it?" I questioned her. She nodded. I took a deep breath and started m story and toldher about how people beat me up at school and how my father does ,too and how I am bullied alot, ending on why I am here today.

I looked up at her an she was on the verge of tears. Her hand was over her mouth and looked ready to burst into tears.

I watched as she picked up her phone and called someone, I think he police.

She handed me the phone and I took it.

"Hello?" I asked, shyly.

" Hello. Is this Brooke Normens?" The male voice on the other side asked politely.

"Yes, it is." I answered.

"We are going to have to ask you some questions, but first, I want you to stay away from your house for awhile, ok?" he questioned.

"O-ok." I said quielty.

"We are planning on arresting you father because od child abuse. Do you have any obbjections to this, Brooke?" he stated.

"No. I want him gone forever. " I confidently stated.

"Ok, well I have to go now bt call if you need anything, alright?" he asked.

"Ok, thank you!" I stated as he hung up.

I looked at Martha and smiled. I haven't done that in 6 years, not since she died.

"Thank you!" I stated, happily.

"Listen, why don't you stay at my house for awhile, you know, so you wont get hurt?" she blurted out.

I smiled and nodded then hugged her. After my check up and reapirs, me and Martha left.

All I know is, one less problem in my life.

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