The Pep Talk

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(A little one-shot I wrote for my Human AU. Essentially all you need to know is that the Warners like to stay at Pinky and Brain's lab) 

 Dot stormed into the lab, clearly upset after a day of filming on the lot. Yakko, who had the day off, looked up from his book.

"Hey, sister sib! How did shooting go?" Dot only looked at him and grumbled. "Geez. Did I touch some sorta nerve?" Yakko asked Wakko, who walked in behind Dot.

"Things sort've got rough today." He said, slipping off his hat and fidgeting with it.

"What happened, Dot?" Yakko stood, and tried walking to Dot. She instead ran into another room in the lab and slammed the door shut.

"Things got really, really rough today." Wakko slipped his hat back on, walking to his brother's side. "I don't know all that happened, but it really upset her. She won't talk to me about it either."

"Who's upset?" Pinky asked as he approached the brothers. He had just been working with Brain but wanted a break so he could see the youngest Warners after they got home.

"Dot, apparently." Yakko said, putting a hand on the cold metal door. "She just came in and slammed the door."

"She had a rough day on the lot." Wakko caught Pinky up. "I hope she's okay." He also eyed the door.

"Oh no...that's awful."

"I can't just leave her in there-" Yakko tried opening the door, Wakko yanking him back by the arm.

"Yak, hold on. Let's leave her alone for a bit. Let her breathe." He reasoned. Yakko looked his brother in the eye then sighed.

"Fine. I can leave her for a"

"Poit! But she's not alone!" Pinky piped in.
"She's not?" The brothers said in unison.

"No, Brain's still in there!"

After locking herself in the lab, Dot positioned herself in a large rolling chair; her knees drawn up to her chest. She tried really hard not to cry, but it was difficult. Her day of filming was horrendous.

"PINKY! I require your assistance! I need you to hold this, while I-GAHH!!" Brain walked into the main laboratory, suddenly noticing the youngest Warner. "Hello. Not to sound insensitive, but what are you doing in my lab?" He asked, putting down the strange glowing object he was holding.

"Nothing." Dot sniffed, hiding her face. "I just...had a long day." Her voice was muffled, but Brain could still tell that she was upset. He was sure he'd feel guilty if he didn't do anything, so against his better judgment, Brain stood next to the chair.

"You're upset."
"Thanks, Mr. Brainiac."

"That is my job." Brain turned the chair to face him. "Why did you have to come in here? Instead of going to your brothers? Or even Pinky?" He asked.

"They wouldn't get it." Dot grumbled.

"How wouldn't they? You share a job, you're siblings, and Pinky's heart is big enough to think an oil drum is his sister. What could be so awful or different that you can't tell your own family...and Pinky...about it?" He reasoned. Dot paused.

"I wasn't cast as the cute character."

"Come again? How is this so, awful?"

"I wasn't cast as the cute one! In the episode! I'm the-the sassy sarky one! That's Yakko's thing! I can't tell Yakko that I took HIS thing! And, AND. I'm not...cute enough, anymore? There's this new girl, this...Cindy girl. She's apparently cuter than me! I didn't know that was possible!!" Dot began to ramble, standing up in the chair. "I know that I've got more than one talent...but..."

"But what?"
"But I like being the cute one! It's my thing! I love my thing! Is that so wrong?! But apparently, being cute just isn't enough anymore!" Dot sighed, choking up a little. She sank back down into the chair. "I'm n...I'm not good enough anymore. You get it yet?" She asked quietly, tearing up. Brain looked around, trying to conjure up something to tell the poor girl to cheer her up.

"Hmm. Yes. See, I'm not familiar with the whole...showbusiness thing. I've tried exploiting it many times and it never works. It's a complicated emotional mess that not even I can comprehend."

"Thank you, I feel so much better now."

"Hold the attitude I am not finished.'s going to be okay. You're still a talented actress, you're still cute. You just didn't get the ideal role this time. Do you know how many times I have failed in mine and Pinky's plans to take over the world?" Dot opened her mouth to respond, possibly with an impossibly large (yet accurate) number. "Please do not answer that. The point is, no matter what explodes or what gets trampled on, every night we come back with a better plan. In your case, next taping you show up, and you give it your all. Give the oldest Warner a run for his money." Brain said, actually confident in his 'pep talk'.

"You really think that?" Dot sniffed, wiping her eyes on the sleeves of her shirt.

"Yes. Make those mouth-breathing incompetents regret ever doubting you." Feeling better, Dot managed to crack a smile.

"Yes I will! Thank you Brain, I mean it." Dot hopped out the chair, giving Brain a hug. Brain stiffened, still not used at all to people who are not Pinky.

"You're welcome." He said, giving Dot a tiny pat on the head. Dot let go, and walked back to the door.

"I'm feeling a lot better now. Thanks again." Dot smiled again, leaving the lab. Pinky slid past Dot while entering, both exchanging hellos. Happy to see Dot in a better mood, Pinky bounced up to his partner.

"Brain! Sorry, I wanted to tell the kids hello but then Dot was sad and stomped in here and slammed the door. The boys were really sad so then I made some cookies, I hope that's okay, and then, oh! Yes, Dot left and didn't look upset anymore, and now I'm in here!" Pinky rattled off.

"Thank you, for the recap, Pinky. The youngest Warner was upset but I managed to cheer her up."

"You did?" Pinky said, surprised.

"Yes, I did. Is that so surprising?"

"NARF! Would you be angry if I said yes?" Brain sighed.

"No. I'm quite surprised myself. I didn't know I had that in me."

"You know what this means, right?' Pinky asked, placing his hands on Brain's shoulders.



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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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