Early to bed, Early to rise

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She was sat on the rail of her balcony, her floor length, silk, emerald robe blew softly in the wind. The wind made her feet feel cold, but she didn't mind it. She watched as the pentagram rose in hell to say that morning had arrived. Today was the day where all the sins met up, she would have to go with her father. She highly doubted Charlie was going to stick around, swinging her legs back around onto the safety of the balcony, she went back into her emerald room. 

Her mother had insisted that everything she owned be emerald, or jade. There were hints of black here and there but other than that, everything in this castle was green. She showered quickly then got changed into an emerald, lace cropped shirt and and emerald satin skirt. She throw on a pair of black heels, and let her raven black her down. The curls framed her face perfectly, but the one feature that stood out the most.... were her jade eyes.

She wandered down stairs, her mother had always told her she didn't need to where make up, because her eyes would always catch everyone's attention. Well, she wasn't wrong. Everyone she had met always told her that she had stunning eyes. 

As she arrived downstairs, her mother, Invidia, greeted her with a warm embrace and an award winning smile. This year they would be meeting at Charlie's 'redemption' hotel. The mere thought of redeeming the land dwellers brought a small smile to Blair's lips. The fact Charlie thought this could actually work, it made her laugh. 

"Now Blair," Invidia started, catching her daughter's attention. "Do not under any circumstance say anything bad about the hotel, do you understand my little thorn?"

Blair nodded and followed her mother out to the limo that waited for them, surprisingly patiently, and just like everything else in this family, it was a dark green. On the ride over, both her and her mother stayed quiet. It was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one. It's how they both liked it, silent and calm.

When they finally arrived Blair got her first ever look at the hotel. She raised one of her perfect eyebrows in a high arch, then a small scoff escaped from the depths of her throat. Invidia looked at Blair, but didn't dare say anything. Coming to a stop their chauffeur opened the door for them, both mother and daughter stepped out. Supposedly, according to her Aunt Luxuria, Lilith wanted Charlie to marry the Radio Demon, whilst Lucifer on the other hand just wanted Charlie to be happy. Blair could care less about the topic on who Charlie should marry.

"Now Blair, when in their presence keep that switch-blade that you call your tongue, in it's place. In other words, keep quiet unless addressed." Invidia sternly stated, she gave her daughter a quick glance before knocking on the doors of the hotel.

Blair clucked her tongue in annoyance, then the doors opened revealing Charlie. 

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