Recording 001; Day One, The Rock In My Garden

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[Hello again. I don’t really know where to begin with this story but I suppose I never do.] The frail laugh of the faceless blunette made its way out of the computer speakers. If He hadn’t seen all of the other videos he would have assumed she was joking. [um… but anyway… I- recently I moved to this new house… thing… well I wouldn’t say ‘moved’, more like was…relocated? I don’t really know what to call it. It's not a home, but I wouldn’t call it a house either. The rules are still the same here, but this time…]

The blunette took a break, moving her head down towards the desk she sat at. Her bangs moved down over her face, concealing her identity once again. [this time…. the house seems to have different games. At least at the last house, all I had were nightmares, here…. kwami they just seem so real.] The girl slowly tilted her head back up, smiling ever so carelessly despite the obvious nightmare she was living in. [But I suppose it's not all bad] The recording cut out, moving to what seemed to be a greenhouse. [I have a garden this time, a- and it's in a greenhouse! I don’t know if its to keep me inside or to keep me from leaving but its the same thing at this point.] It was nothing but a mumble, and the audio leaked out every couple of words. 

She was moving towards the door of the greenhouse, the camera shaking with every step. [Welcome to my garden], Bluenette chuckled out. The garden was nice, obviously taken care of by the clear amount of steam hydrating the plants. A nice set of greens, yellows, and reds intermingled within the space. All bordering what appeared to be a walkway. 

Bluenette turned her attention to the glass walls and punched it, hard enough that the sound of glass echoed through the room. [I can’t break the walls so, once again, I’m stuck.She let out a disheveled laugh as she showed the room off

As she finished off her sentence a loud bang came from behind. The camera dropped to the noise, a large crack now obvious on the screen. [shit shit no!] Bluenette began to panic, frantically moving to pick up the broken camera and turn it to look at her. Her face was contorted due to the large crack on the screen, so much so that not even her bangs looked like hair. 

Her panic seemed to increase as a dark shadow met its way across the screen. [n-no, please! It was an accident!] She pleaded out, fear lacing her voice. The screen began to shake and within a moment was thrown across the steamy room. 

A large creature now stretched over the frail girl, her skirt collecting mud as she tried to get away. Just as the stony monster began to grab at her and drag her towards it, the screen turned black with mist leaving nothing but the words; ‘my living nightmare came true’

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