Recording 001.2; Day two, the rock in my garden pt.1

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As he sat back in his chair a faint buzz came from his bag, indicating he had gotten a notification. He couldn’t look at it now, his teacher was teaching but perhaps if he hid his phone? No, he wouldn’t do that…

A pounding sensation made itself known in his head, only getting louder and louder as he ignored his phone. He couldn’t even hear what his teacher was saying anymore. 

Blue eyes made their way around the room, wanting to see if anyone else was having the same problem. A brunette from the front was on her phone, however, she always had her face implemented into the screen. ‘No wonder she needed glasses,’ he rolled his eyes at the thought. He himself needed glasses, only for drawing but he still needed them, so he really shouldn’t have been judging. 

Next to her, he saw a darker boy with a hat. Neither seemed to be of European descent although nobody in his class was. Red-shirt was of Asian descent, and pixie cut seemed to some odd fairy human mix, although that would make him sound as though he believed in such nonsense. He may have drawn fairies and goblins but he most certainly didn’t believe in them. 

The pounding sensation continued to grow until eventually he gave in and took out his phone. His teacher wouldn’t care, he knew that. The fact was she didn’t even care about the students, only the paycheck she got at the end of the month. 

Unlocking the phone he was surprised, ‘a new upload by Bluebell!’ He shouldn’t watch this here, not now where others could see. He knew others watched, and it would appear others had already seen it judging by the view count. But he couldn’t be too sure who knew of it and who didn’t. Nobody, except those invite to see, should be a witness to the Bluebell of nightmares. 

The boy quickly put in his earbuds, eyes trailing around the room to be sure nobody was watching. 

[Hey guys!]

[So um…. the garden was nice but I think I may stay away for a while. In fact I don’t think I’ll be going outside for a bit of time. I honestly don’t know whether to be afraid of the things inside or out.] She let out a small laugh, whimsical, and cheery. He could’ve sworn he had heard it before, maybe from that girl…. no… that wasn’t right. He didn’t know her, yet he felt like he had. 

Bluebell moved slightly, repositioning herself on the chair. [I decided to call him stone heart! I don’t know what he wanted, but all of the monsters wanted something… at least in the dreams they did…] She seemed to drift off, thinking of the other house as tho she missed it. ‘Suppose if it was between living in a nightmare or having to dream of one each night I would rather dream them..’ He thought, rather morbidly too. When he had seen the other house he thought it was fake, but then things had seemingly gotten worse and his memory had started getting foggy. He could still swear he had known Bluebell. 

[But anyway, I suppose you're all wondering if I’m ok, well… that’s assuming if anyone even watches these.] The last part was a mumble but loud enough to hear. ‘so she still doesn’t know…’ 

As he was about to continue the video he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up it was pink hair, a girl he thinks he recognizes from art… but…she felt more familiar? “Hey wanna come to the art club with me? Heard it was pretty rad!” She practically yelled. He took a quick look around the room, noticing almost everyone was gone. ‘must’ve missed the bell.’ 

“Yeah sure.” and yet…. it felt like he was just repeating a line from years ago. What was wrong with him? 

He put his phone back into his bag, deciding to he could finish the video later. Later…. yea….maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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