- Chapter 19 -

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Louise's POV :

- Logan calm down! 
I told him... I didn't want him to do anything stupid.

Jacob held me back, as if he wanted to see Logan and Scotty fight.

- LET GO OF ME!!!!!
I yelled at Jacob.

- Logan could hurt you!!!
He replied.

I realized Jacob was trying to prevent me from getting in the middle of it, I knew Logan had trouble controlling his anger but Jacob knew him better than I did and I assumed he'd know what's best.

- I'll handle it when the time comes.
He reassured me.

Logan was screaming at Scotty, and was punching him.
Scotty looked like he was going to die, but with every last bit of fight he had in him.. he pushed Logan away...
He landed on the concrete steps, hit his head and was bleeding like crazy.

- LOGAN!!!!
I yelled as I ran over to him.

I was so worried... he hit his head bad..
I pulled out my phone and called 911.

As I was waiting for an ambulance to arrive... I saw Jacob scolding Scotty for what he did. 
Scotty sat on the ground near a tree as Jacob ran over to check on Logan.
Logan looked like he was dying.
Jacob checked his pulse and said...

- He's alive but his pulse is getting weaker by the moment..

I started bawling. 

- He's bleeding out.
Said Jacob.

Logan's breathing was slowing down... and his beautiful eyes, filled with tears, began closing.


Louise X Logan ~~ Why him? ~ Bobs Burgers ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora