chapter 1

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The 12th day at school

This day at school was like any other you cooked breakfast for two, packed up, then went to her morning cooking class where they learn from books rather than hands on.

Y/N heads to her seat, and pulls out her book to write notes. She sat on a mostly empty row with nobody sitting near her. So she did feel pretty lonely. She did have one friend being a shy boy named Nagito Komaeda, Nagito had his own friend group so they were just barely friends. He was weird anyways, so she wasn't too sad.

As she was doing her work as normal when one of her professors, Mr.Pringles announces "class if I could have your attention we will be having a transfer student from (a animal crossing island idk), he struggles with English, but he's really trying so be nice."

Y/N looks at the new student, and they immediately locked eyes. She looks to see a purple haired cat boy with a aloha shirt who looked like he was about to fall asleep any second.

She looked away but not because of love but because of her little fear of cats. She has a allergy to cats you see so she was a little scared. She closed her eyes and prayed to be saved. She opened them and felt a hard stare coming from her right. She looked to see him right in front of her face leaning in with a smile.

Tbc (253 words)

forbidden love (Fem!) Y/N x BobWhere stories live. Discover now