The One I Yearn For

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Not all the stars in the sky,
Nor all the grains of sand on the ground
Could ever equal the amount of happiness you bring to me.
When you make me smile,
I feel as if i could run a thousand miles.

I could never promise you sunshine
Nor could i promise you rainbows.
In the game of love,
There is bound to be dark days.
It is up to us to make it through
And not let it tear us apart.

You never left my mind
Since the day i saw you.
If they never pointed you out,
I never would have noticed you until you were right there.
Having you near me has become something i crave for
Something i yearn for.

I always want to find ways to surprise you,
Ways to make you smile.
I want you to be just as happy as you make me.
If i knew all the right words
All the right ways
Just to say i love you,
Believe me when i saw i would do it.

I would find ways to prove how much you mean to me
How strong my love for you is.
But i would also go beyond that
Because you're my boyfriend.
The partner i want to grow old with

I sometimes hope to wake up to a message from you
A cute message
Even if its a simple love song
A meme.
Even just a pic of you smiling will be perfect.
I'd choose you over and over.

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