Doll Songs 4

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Twisting and swirling. Hurling through a dark void that never ended. The sun was long gone. The water in the well must have been an illusion. Horrible darkness. NO words in the English or Latin dictionary could describe the feeling of going through this...portal.

WAIT! What was that? Farther along? A twist in my path? Turn left Sherrie! Slowly ever so slowly turn left. HA HA! I did it! Yes! YES! Y-!

"AHHHHH!" I screamed and then poof. I was here. Where is here? I looked around me for a sign of life.


<<<<<<DEATH That Way

"I didn't mean that literally." I said aloud. The two signs waved and the hot desert wind. And how on earth was I supposed to get out of here?! I took my time observing my surroundings, though there wasn't much to see. A few cacti spread out here and there. Sand dunes rising in the distance. The magenta colored sun rising up high in the distance. Magenta?

"TRAVELER!" I heard a voice and spun around. Nobody was there. I looked around again. Nothing. I took a look at the... silver sun? What the hello was going on!?

"Traveler!!!!" I spun towards the death sign. A small little figure was approaching me.

"What the heel?" I said trying to avoid swearing.

"My name is Dustin! I bid you warning! Do not take the life sign, for that is where life ends." This little Dustin figure was actually a toy soldier. Oh my gold fish, I felt like i was inside of Toy Story. Was I seriously talking to an inch tall toy?

"Yeah OK...Lieutenant Tiny." I giggled at my not so clever joke. I was so idiotic.

"That's co-Lieutenant Tiny to you Missy!" The soldier said raising a small green fist at me. I burst into a fit of laughter. The soldier looked at me with an air of seriousness and I instantly shaped up, physically of course. I was still dying of laughter on the inside.

"Sir..." I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing again. "Can you take me to Kesha?" I asked.

"Who in the world is that?!" Dustin asked putting his fists on his hips.

"Ketchup? Kashnut? Kasper? Kaster?"


"YEAH HIM" I shouted remembering the clown's words.

"Why would a gal like you want to see a lad like him? Last time I checked he had a girl..."

"Look are you going to take me to him or not?" I asked irritated. I was probably going to go meet another clown or doll or something.

"Of course! I'm his bodyguard." The lieutenant said nodding his green head.

"BWHAHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't contain my laughter this time. I burst out laughing for at least five minutes straight when I felt a small pang in my calf.

"Get up soldier! We'll take you to the witch doctor to cure your case of the snickers. Lets go." The soldier said punching my leg. I chuckled at Dustin's feeble attempts and pushed myself off of the ground.


The walk down Death was hard and long. Dustin jabbered on and on about Dustin and how to act in front of him.

"Make sure you curtsy every time he says your name or looks at you." Pfft yeah right! No way was I going to curtsy for a toy. NO way!

"Yea yea Sargent Tiny."

"That's Lieutenant Tiny to you Missy!" Dustin said marching along ahead of me. Wow, he walked slow. I was almost stepping on him!

"Uh Dustin? TINY?" The tiny soldier stopped.

"WHAT?!" He barked at me.

"How about you hitch a ride on me, and then you just tell me where to go. OK?" I asked. He stopped to think about it and I began tapping my foot, much o his dismay.

"FINE!" He barked again. I lifted him up carefully and told him to hang on to my curly dark, almost black, brown hair.

"Now run all the way down this path until you reach the fork in the road." Dustin instructed. I nodded which rattled Tiny.

"Sorry." I said huffed beginning to run. I wasn't exactly wearing running clothes. As a matter of fact I was dressed in a white tank top which was dirty due to the sandy desert. My white skinny jeans made it difficult to run fully because they barely had any space. To top it off I was wearing gladiator sandals. Not exactly running material if you catch my drift.

"Go right at the fork and we'll be at Kester's in no time." The green soldier whispered into my ear. I nodded as I began to pant.


"Now do you remember everything I told you?" The soldier asked me. I didn't pay any attention because my eyes were too busy roaming the lush prairie. I just came running out of a desert with a green sun burning over head when I arrived at the village. The sun was the normal color besides the fact it was in the north and not west.

The village consisted of a small pond with laughing children and seven small cottages spread out in the luscious field. Wildflowers of every color loomed about the pace and it was at least 75 degrees outside. It was simply beautiful!

"Private did you hear me!?" Tiny raised his small little fist at me again and I shrugged. "Then go in before I do take you to the witch doctor!" I nodded and pulled open the deer skin door. My eyes opened in amazement as Kester spun around in his chair to stare at me.


HA! CLIFF HANGER! I'm so mean. Anyway tell me what you guys think of this chapter. I know it's not all that scary but it wasn't supposed to be. This chapter focused all on Dustin and Sherrie. I hope you like it. Comment vote fan :D

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