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William's POV

"This is absurd! He's just a boy!" my mother yelled from across the table.

We were in the meeting room, debating over a matter that I personally felt was pointless. Anyone would if they'd been stuck in my position.

"He's eighteen, Luna!" Beta Wayne stated with an exasperated sigh.

She scoffed as she said, "So you're saying now that he's eighteen he's more capable of responsibility than he was three weeks ago?"

This was going nowhere.

They were talking about me like I wasn't there and frankly, it was kind of annoying.

Since my father is dead and my mother is suffering from a broken heart, I have no choice but to take over the Alpha title. It's either that, or they hand over the pack to one of our neighbouring packs, which is not an option seeing as this pack has been under my family's rule for generations.

Although blessed with the gift of finding our perfect other halves, our mate's death can kill us werewolves. The pain is so intense, that it could result in death of the bereaved mate. However, in very rare instances, the incredibly strong can survive the loss of a chosen mate. They can continue to live without their mates and later get a second chance mate.

Unfortunately, the pack Advisory Council doesn't think my mother will be able to make it without my father. She could keep trying to hold on and block out the pain, but we all see that she breaking down. She's dying slowly right before our eyes and that kills me.

In situations like these, whereby the Alpha dies before the heir has turned eighteen, the Luna takes over all state affairs with the help of the Beta. Then once the child turns eighteen, he may now claim his title. But my mother here, doesn't want to let me take over. She's declared that I would be an unfit Alpha because of how young I am, but we all know that that's not true.

The honest truth is, she burying her pain in doing what he, my father, loved most — work.

I shook my head and scowled at the sudden thought of my father. This was all his fault. He had to die, didn't he? It's not that I want him back, or that it's even a decision that can be made, it's just that I see the pain my mother is in and it hurts me. I see the bags under her eyes. The exhaustion from lack of sleep, the crankiness, all of the signs of grief were evident on her or in. It was all because of him.

My father, Rowan Hawthorne, was a strong powerful figure in the werewolf kingdom. Thanks to him, Midnight Creek Pack is one of the largest in the world, sitting at the fifth place out of all the many packs in this world. However, the way he ruled wasn't acceptable, not to me anyway. He made sure everyone feared him as of we were living in an army camp instead of a pack.

My father was a lot of things, a great military leader, an excellent businessman but a terrible father, yet my mother still loved him. He always had time for her. He always showed her kindness and vulnerability that he never showed me. He never wanted kids, he'd tell me that every once in a while and make it clearer through the way he acted.

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