Ch 4 Bad luck

81 5 2

'Speaking in mind'

John has been running for the past 6 days non stop and decided to stop and rest until his power gets replenish

He then decide to check his stats since it was glowing

MS-06 Zaku II

Lv 146

Hp: 23499000/23499000

Mana: 890000/890000

Power: 7690000/980000 max

And then a bunch of new weapons that I'm too lazy to put in

"Damm" was all John could say he did not anticipated to make it this far it was truly a ride. He then saw something in the stats

New Body unlocked
Elf body

"Where were you when i needed you the most"

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"Where were you when i needed you the most"

Human body (not available 20 human lives are needed)

"Hmm so i need to kill other races to obtain there form"

I clicked on the elf body and i glowed. Minutes later the glowing stopped i was now in an elf body, and one thing he noticed was that his mobile suit did not disappeared but became his armor. After minutes of trying to figure out how to get the helmet off and the other armor he remove his helmet like iron mans helmet but in a simpler way and the rest of the armor had a normal way of getting off

"Welp this form is no use to me yet..." he said while he transformed back into the zaku

While i was walking i thought about my new problem, the elfs they wouldn't simply let me walk away, not after killing some of them so what do i do?  I'm going to eradicate there kingdom... It's not like it's the only elf kingdom so no big deal for me at least

Time skip
[Three days after the kingdom was burned to the ground]

John pov

Plan worked out well, my plan was to box them all but it would take too much time so i put a flaming wall around the kingdom and boom i killed them inside and i also killed some humans there so i unlocked a human body yay and i also got a ton of exp

Im on my way in a random direction after i eradicate the elf kingdom

'i should check out my human form, wonder what i look like'

I unlock the human form and glowed

'hmm i feel nothing, I can't exactly look at myself'

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'hmm i feel nothing, I can't exactly look at myself'

I took off his helmet to feel his human face

At the same time i thought of something

'i haven't tried speaking before, imma try to speak'

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out only a sound of a dying cat

'the hell i can't speak but i have a tongue how is this possible'

I opened the system (he decided to call it that) to look for something that can help me communicate it took awhile but i found it

'bruh you need to unlock this just so you can talk, who the hell invented this system? EA?'

just as i was gonna bought it something attack me from behind


"You filthy demon, what are you doing here"a femme voice spoke out

'w-what the hell who is this bitch?!?!'
I grab my heat hawk on my back

"Were you a scout of the demon lords army? No judging from your armor your here to ambush us, well you'll have to get through me first!"she says charging with her sword

I dodge it barely 'she's fast i barely dodge that i need to think fast'

"You won't dodge this one easily"she says holding her sword with both of her hands and then the her sword began to glow blue and she charges me

'Oh shit oh shit oh shit- she strike with her sword right in the chest


But it did no damage

"How is that possible?!?"she says stuck in her position

'Screw it you want a fight I'll give you one'i said as i raise my axe going for a downward slash

"Argh!!!"she screams in pain as i slash through her armor like butter

'Damm i didn't even used my axes ability'

But then i sense a figure behind me thanks to my acquired abilities multiple figures in fact i turned around

First to come out was a white haired girl red eyes and purple robes she was obviously a mage

She looked at me and she was scared then she looked at her fallen comrade she couldn't believe herself that she's seeing this but then another figure came out another woman a blonde one this time she had a long and big sword and a shield her armor had weird designs to it she must be royalty

As the blonde hair girl looked at me then at her fallen comrade she got angry and charge at me letting out a battle cry and

Despite her bulky ness she was surprisingly fast not as fast as the other one though she raise her sword to slash me but i dodge her attack her sword hit the ground hard letting me know that her sword was heavy

'this is my chance her back is vulnerable' i said as i raise my axe for a downward swing but i only managed to scratch her armor 'she's tough' i said as a fire ball hit me


I look at who shot at me and it was the mage but before i could do anything else the blonde woman already has her sword ready to swing at me

I couldn't think of anything so used my right shoulder armor to protect me as the sound of metal clashing was heard both me and the blonde woman was push back the woman fell but thanks to my thrusters i manage to balance myself

I was so distracted that i didn't notice two more individual appeared and was next to the white haired girl the first one i saw was another woman blue hair and cat ears? Oh no not this type of fantasy shit and she had purple eyes, and then another figure it was a guy this time brown hair blue eyes and little armor and a blue sword wait is this guy the protagonist?

"Maria stand down" said the male

But- he hurt Elehal this must not go unpunished

"I know but there must be a reason" said the male this time he looked at me and heading in my direction

'Nah my guy i ain't taken any chances'
I said as i activate my heat hawks ability my axes edge began to heat up as i point it at the guy

He raised his hands the blonde girl ready to slice me up at any moment

This was my time to unlock my speech i need to hurry up i open my system and scroll down as quickly as possible it took a couple of minutes but i found it finally i said as i accidentally pressed the wrong thing and unlock....

Congratulations you have unlock telepathic speech -9999999 mana

Fffffffffffffffffff- don't freak out it's still a communication skill ok time to test it out

"Can you hear me?"

They were shock

"It me the guy in weird armor"

"How are you doing that" said the white haired girl


To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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