Chapter II - The Lighthouse

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"Raizza! I'm going out now!"

Lynniette hastily shouted - leaping - while wearing her rubber shoes towards the front door to find a peaceful place where she can confidently write her novel. Although she wanted to go out right after she finishes tying up her shoe laces, she was interrogated in attempting to leave the house without prior notice. Raizza, who is comfortably lying in the sofa started to ask her some questions concerning where, when, what and why. But, Lynniette was so focused on finishing the novel that she doesn't pay attention to her sisters questions at all.

"I just can't gather my thoughts here in the house okay?... so don't worry I'll surely come back home soon..." she answered while trying to not provoke her sister.

"I know you well sister, I'll remind you again... you need to come home especially later... mom and dad are visiting so please... just please... come home early before sunset"

"Don't worry I'll keep that in mind" she stopped and gradually looked at her sister who is also staring at her "But I can't promise tho" she said in a haste while running away towards the exit.

"That girl...." Raizza stopped and controlled herself to not let her anger devour her.

'Please understand your sister when she has done something that irritates you, my dear'

"Gosh! You should be thankful that I always listen to our parents... You old-fashion lady!" She provokingly shouted remembering her mother's words, while pointing her finger to her running sister with an irritated face.

"Hayystt! The car! You left your key!" She added seeing the key of Lynniette's car in the table, while she purposely left it behind.


"That's exhausting" Lynniette whispered while catching her breathe from running all the way from their house to the corner of their street.

She was in a daze for a moment of exhaustion, when she remembered someone she is closed with, someone who is reliable and trustworthy to her.

She took out her phone and started to call that someone for help.

"Good day, are you free this morning?" Lynniette asked in demure.

"Uhm... can I borrow you for an hour? It's just that I am in a stage of confusion today" She added.

"Is it related to your novel?" The women in the line asked.

"Well... Kind off" Lynniette bashfully answered.

"Sure no problem... I'll meet you in our former meeting place" she brightly answered.

"Okay got it! Thank you!"

"See ya!"

After the conversation, Lynniette hurriedly call for a cab to the place they are about to meet.

As she enter the car, she felt a combination of excitement and shyness caused her to constantly poke her thumb finger as a sign of nervousness.

"Where are you going miss?" The driver asked in modest way.

" To the lighthouse please"


She arrived at the lighthouse, enjoying herself and humming a sound that gets along with the wind and with the beautiful view of the ocean.

"This is it... The beauty of life" she whispered while tucking in her moving hair onto her ears.

The best place. That is how Lynniette view the seaside where the lighthouse resides in. She first found out that this place has something magical that she can only feel when she set her foot at the lighthouse pointing at the sea. She felt an enormous familiarity and security whenever she felt the breeze and the view of the land when she is on the top of the tower.

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