Chapter 1

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I sat on the balcony, enjoying the salty breeze that accompanied the drooping sun.

"Hurry up Amelia!" My roommate called. I rolled my eyes. 

"I've been ready for half an hour Rachel." I chuckled, "Let's go already."

We scurried out of the room, but of course Rachel forgot her room key and we had to turn back. "Ugh, I wish I'd worn different shoes!" she whined even though we hadn't even left the building yet. "You don't exactly need those stilettos, honey; your legs are a mile long!" 

"Shut up" She giggled before looping her arm through mine and dragging me down the hall to the lift. The hotel we were in was nothing too special; we were on a budget after all and had had to sacrifice a lot of partying post exams to save up for the trip, because of this, we had a fair walk to get into town and into the subsequent clubs. We went from one to another before settling at a  Tiki bar on the beach. We stumbled through the doors squealing with laughter  and made a bee-line to the bar, taking up two seats. 

"No! Oh god, don't remind me!" Rachel groaned as I teased her about the dad-bod lecturer she'd crushed on in our first year. My sides were splitting with laughter when suddenly someone cleared their throat behind us; "Hello ladies, can we buy you some drinks?" The voice was deep and smooth and my eyes widened when I turned their way. Before us stood two bulky, gorgeous men, one slightly taller than the other. My jaw dropped, completely speechless but Rachel didn't skip a beat. "Of course, come join us boys," she fluttered her lashes for good measure, looking the taller guy up and down.

"I'm Rachel and this is Amelia," Rachel said, never breaking eye contact with her next victim. 

"Antonio" He said huskily, taking Rachel's hand and kissing it. His friend rolled his eyes and laughed before looking at me "I'm Nathaniel,"

"So what are we drinking, Nathaniel?" I asked, as he took a seat next to me. I took in his honey coloured locks and golden skin. 

"You seem like a sex-on-the-beach kinda girl," he winked. I gasped dramatically.

"I am a lady, good sir," I leaned in closer and lowered my voice, "But you're not wrong." If I were sober I would have cringed at my shameless flirting but it was our hot girl summer and I was going to make the most of it! And so they ordered us a round and then another. 

"How about we have the last round on our boat, ladies?!" Antonio said and Rachel, Nathaniel and I cheered. I jumped up from my seat, wobbling a little before Nathaniel took my arm.

"Careful not to trip sweetheart." He murmured in my ear. I smiled coyly and snuggled into his side, following Rachel and Antonio who led the way. 

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