Cuddle me

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⚠️panic attack ⚠️

Wilhelm's POV

Today was the class presentation and lord knows I'm not good at talking in public. I don't know what it is I just start thinking about it and next thing I know I'm in a closet hugging my knees not being able to breathe.

The only one who knew about my anxiety is my curly headed boyfriend who always try's to make me feel better.

Simon was a nice guy from the beginning of it but I was so stupid and scared of what people would say about it that I pushed him away but I mead it up to him.

Speaking of the love of my life I hadn't seen him today witch I knew wasn't his fault but it was making me more nervous.

School presentations freak the fucking hell out of me , the looks, the laughs , the fact that everyone is looking at you and talking shit about your project or the way your doing the presentation it's scary as hell and it makes me want to die.

Going through the halls I felt sick to my stomach but I had to do it. I knew I was the last one witch meant if I had a panic attack I wouldn't have to do it in class or in front of Simon I was already mentally prepared.


The presentation started normally everyone had a different topic and a PowerPoint about it.

I had one and had spent hours working on it, I made sure it was perfect the definition of a perfect presentation.

I had rehearsed it and looked at the way I was talking just so I had the perfect tone of voice, it wasn't to heigh and it wasn't to low it was just perfect. I even made a script of course I didn't have it with me I had memorized it.

It was now my turn and I started talking about my topic, my topic was a puma.

The hole thing started wen the school decided to host a ball to save animals if you wanted to go you pay for the entrance and now they were making us do a project about it.

The teacher called my name and I took a deep breath.

I went up to the front of the class but wen I was about to speak something inside me hit me and before I knew it I was running out of the classroom.

I could hear the teacher yell after me but I was busy trying to control my breathing.

I heard footsteps from behind me getting closer and closer until I felt a hand around my waist hugging me from behind.

I turned around to see my perfect boyfriend looking at me with sadness.

Simon knew about my panic attacks because wen we started dating I had a bad panic attack in front of you.

I hugged him tight and soon enough I was dragging Simon by the hand to my dorm almost running there.

We walked in and I closed the door instantly behind us " do you want to talk about it ?" Simon asked almost whispering.

We both sat on the bed and I decided to tell him about how nervous I was about the presentation.

" is there anything I can do ?"

" cuddle me "


This chapter is shity but on the other hand I'm back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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