yandere giyuu + yandere obanai x kanao's older sister reader

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This request was submitted by Mistress_Dolly

Yn was very happy, it was the day she had been working so hard for almost her entire life, she had recently defeated a lower moon and was about to become a hashira.

She was so happy that she took her beloved sister kanao to the hotsprings, kanao was always so emotionless to anyone but her but yn didn't mind it as long as kanao would talk to people she was happy.

Yn stood up and waited patiently as oyokata introduced her as the butterfly hashira, yn already knew kanae and Shinobu so she didn't go greet them first.

But then she saw two incrediblely lonely looking people, one was a man with a snake over his neck and black and white striped hoari, the other had black hair that was tied into a pony tail and a hoari that was red and a weird pattern of green and gold.

Yn didn't like when people where lonely so she decided to hang out with them, she went over to them and started a small chat"Um hi it's nice to meet you I'm yn tsuyuri, I hope we can be the best of friends!" Yn said happily to the both of them.

Unknown to her they fell in love with her right on the spot, a love that would destroy everyone around them.

Yn found out that there names were obanai and giyuu, then she introduced herself to the other hashira's.

naturally since they were the first people yn talked to, the three of them became a very good friends group, though yn made to spend a very large amount of time with kanao and the other pillars but mainly kanao.

Yn was far to kind to even notice how possessive her two friends became of her, the others most undoubtedly did and were starting to get concerned.

this particular day yn was just hanging out with kanao, giyuu and obanai were especially jealous of kanao for always taking away yn's attention all the time, this time they had had enough, they grabbed yn from behind and dragged her away.

"hey! What was that for, I was just spending some time with my beloved sister" yn pouted once they stopped.

Once the both of them realized what they had done they both apologized, when in reality they didn't mean it in the slightest, kanao was taking yn's attention away from them, so kanao was a threat.

Yn laughed to her self, ignorent to there true intentions, yn just thought that they were jealous of kanao for taking away there time with their friend, which was half true.

Strike one.

Yn was starting to hang out with the rest of the hashira's, much more now, even when obanai and giyuu told her that they hated it yn would scould them and it only made them angrier.

Strike two.

What made them the angeriest was it Now obvious that they were yandere for yn, the hashira's had caught onto their possessive behavior and since yn was so kind and caring they wanted to protect her by slowly separating her from the yanderes hoping their obsession would die down so they could go back to slaying demons.

Yn didn't seem to care, since kanao was the one who always requested that she hang out with them, she couldn't refuse because yn would do anything for her sister.

So she spent a lot of time away from obanai and giyuu.

Strike three, they've lost their minds now, no coming back.

That night when all the hashira's (minus you know who) and kanao were playing a game of never have I ever, when yn suddenly had to go to the bathroom.

"Hey guys I'll be right back" yn told them, everyone nodded and continued the game.

Then when she was gone,it was time to strike, giyuu locked all the doors including the bathroom that yn was in with a chair, obanai sent his snake out to spy on them.

Then the horror began, giyuu took on Shinobu first because she was the weakest and would take little effort to kill.

Obanai impailed mitsuri from behind and she was too shocked to fight back, so she died pretty quickly.

Muichiro forgot that he existed, so he just stood their thinking he was a ghost and was pretty surprised when he was suddenly stabbed in the stomach.

Uzui tried to run away but then one of obanai's poison filled snakes bit his legs and he was dead in seconds.

(I don't want to write how everyone else died so Imma just do a time skip)

Yn tried to get the door open, she had heard screams, naturally she assumed tengen did something stupid to upset everyone but what sat her off was when the bathroom door suddenly wouldn't open.

Yn tried for a couple more minutes, them gave up sighing and sitting down on the ground.

Then she saw something slide underneath the door, it looked to be one of obanai's snakes.

Yn went up to it when it suddenly bit her on the leg, yn could feel herself slowly fade away and before she knew it, yn had passed out...

When yn woke up again she felt very odd, her entire body ached but yet it felt as though she were flying, something was wrong with her body and her head she couldn't quite tell what it was.

She hesitantly saw two figures that went up to her and whatever bed she was on, then yn's eyes widened when she saw them.

It was obanai and giyuu, "wait what the hell- what did you do to the others did you kidnap me?"

Yn's questions continued until obanai finally decided to explain it to her.

"Yn their all dead and you know why there all dead, because you were ignoring us, those pathetic rats weren't deserving of you time"

Then it hit yn, kanao was dead, her beloved sister that she would do anything to protect was dead and the people whom she trusted the most had killed her, it was terrifying.

"You monsters you killed everyone, you killed the person I love the most your a monster!-" yn suddenly stopped talking when something was injected into her system, it was painful but yet very calming, yn realized they were drugging her.

"I wouldn't dare talk to us that way, especially since we're going to be taking care of you for the rest of your life you need us" yn couldn't say anything anymore the drugs have gotten to her brain

They were right she did need them.

Ok end(idk if this was good or not it was longer than I wanted it to be so I rushed at the end)

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