(A/N: this is a platonic book, because I headcanon Jason as aromantic, so enjoy. (This is a sort of sequel to Trina x Peppa Pig and Cordelia x Cordelia))

Still locked in his room, Jason was as miserable as could be. All of his family either left him, or had died, and he was only 13. That is way too much trauma for a kid to handle, not to mention his family life before Whizzer died.

Completely cut off from society, all he had was his phone, and whatever odds and ends that were just sitting around his room.

Charlotte would stop by every once and a while to bring him food, but at this point she was a mass murderer, so who knew how long that routine would last.

Jason spent a lot of time on his phone, talking with his friend Josie, who has been through lots of trauma as well, far too much for a 10 year old. (#FreeJosie2021) (I know your reading this Em)

They spent time bonding over their shared hurts. This was the only thing in the world that made Jason feel somewhat happy.

He was very glad he had his phone with him at all times, seeing as he never left the house, and he didn't need to look far to find it if it were to get lost. All was perfect in Jason's little depressing room, until one day-


Charlotte made her stop at Jason's house to drop of leftover food.

Jason was on a FaceTime call with Josie. In the background, he saw who looked to be Josie's mom. The thing was, her mom looked just like Trina. He started crying again.

As you can imagine, Charlotte felt very guilty about killing the poor kid's mother, so she was determined to make it up to him.

She wanted to buy him something off of amazon, but her phone was dead. She asked Jason for this charger, and though he was hesitant, he handed it to her.

Charlotte had to leave the house for just a second, but promised she would be right back. Little did she know, the police had tracked her down, and were waiting outside Jason's house. She was taken straight to jail.

She had the charger with her, and never gave it back.

—End Flashback—

Now we have Jason, with his phone on 2%. He had made the battery last as long as it could, but it was about to die, and he couldn't do anything about it. He decided to use the last of the charge to call Josie and say goodbye. They only got to talk for about 6 minutes, and Josie had to say her final goodbye as well. Some guy online was sending her death threats, he went by "A Hint Of Marvin"

As the phone was powering down, a single tear could be seen falling down Jason's cheek.

The phone was his only form of communication with the outside world. He didn't think he could live without it. He would even go as far as to say that the phone was his best friend.

[cue metaphor about sadness to make this book more angsty]

The power went out, and Jason was playing chess on his own, in the dark. Legit the most depressing thing you can do.

He couldn't take it anymore, and decided he needed to go downstairs.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he looked up, and what he saw shocked him.

Marvin and the Duolingo Bird we're making out on the couch.

Jason had a heart attack out out of shock, disgust, and pure fear.

It stared storming, and a strike of lightning hit the house and killed Marvin and the green disgrace of a bird.

So in conclusion, Charlotte, directly or not, ended the blood line of the strange family.

Now, she is sitting in jail "thinking over he actions"

In actuality, she is thinking of an escape plan.

How will she escape? Find out in the last installment of whatever weird series we're accidentally writing.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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