Chapter 2

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"Hey wake up" Dylan woke up to Alyssa hitting him in the face with a pillow
"Oi stop" he said attempting to scramble away from her but actually fell off the bed.
"Get up then or we will be late for the first day" she said rolling her eyes and leaving the room.


They walked through the doors together. They didn't have the first class together so they split ways. While walking past the lockers he tapped them feeling anxiety. He didn't get it very often but when he did it was the worst. He never knew how to deal with it so he would just fidget a lot of the time. Something felt off....out of place.

He decided this term was going to be the one where he wasn't going to have any problems though so he got himself together and walked to class making sure not to make a fool of himself as he normally did.

As he burst through the door the bell went at the same time making everyone turn to stare. After saying he was sorry to the teacher he went over to the last seat available and sat down getting his books out of his bag. This was when he realised he didn't have a pen. Sighing, he goes to put his hand up but someone taps him on his arm.

"You've been in the room approximately one and a half minutes and you've already apologised once. Here have my pen" a beautiful girl with medium length hair with tight curls, chocolate brown eyes and glowing tanned skin looked at him smiling.
"Y- uhh yeah thanks" he smiled back taking it from her hand.
"So...what's your name rule breaker?"
" haha your hilarious" he replied clearly sarcastic
"So no name?" She questioned
"Dylan. You?"
"Do you guys want to carry on talking or will you shut up while I speak" the teacher interrupted clearly annoyed
"Another strike...rule breaker" she smirked


After class he ran to his locker to meet Alyssa.
"Hey guess what."
"hi. What"
"I met a girl"
"Oh...well what's her name"
"Well I- actually I don't know"
"You don't know her name? Jesus your pathetic"
"I will get it" he replied rolling his eyes
"Well I need to get to maths and luckily we have that together so we can sit next to each other" she smiled turning away from him.
"Uh wait then"

As they arrived in class and sat down the same girl from earlier walked in. She was so breath taking he knew he had to do something.
"That's her"
The girl approached and sat next to them
"Hey I didn't get your name "
"Oh her...okay" Alyssa said shrugging her shoulders and getting a weird look from the girl.
"Uhh.." she looked back at Dylan "Scarlet"
"Nice" he said smiling.


After school Dylan met up with Alyssa to walk back to their dorm.
"So...Scarlett huh"
"Oh shut up"
"No trust me I'm surprised to managed to actually pull"
He turned his head to see her smiling at him.
"I hate you you know"
"Nah you love it. She is pretty hot." She said slightly impressed.
"Yeah well that why I got this" he said pulling out a bit of paper he had ripped out of his notebook with a number on.
"Yeah exactly and she's coming over tonight so leave us alone?"
"Fine I need to meet up with some mates I haven't seen in months anyways so I don't mind"


About 3 hours later Dylan heard someone knocking at the door and ran to get it. He opened it to see Scarlett stood there smiling.
"Hey rule breaker"


After a few hours of them talking and watching a movie Scarlett pulled her phone out
"Ah shit. My friends just texted me something about my sink flooding or something I'm sorry I need to help her
"Of course yeah." He nodded taking her to the door and saying goodbye.


Dylan's POV
When I got to school the next day I didn't see Scarlett . Was she ignoring me? I didn't think I did anything wrong I thought she liked me.
Maybe she was just ill tho so I went to first period and leaned over to Alyssa
"Hey" I whispered "have you see Scarlett today?"
"No why? You totally fucked up didn't you. In fact you screwed up so badly that she actually refused to show up" she laughed.
"No stop this isnt funny I actually didn't do anything I don't think"
"You probably accidentally poisoned her I don't know don't sweat it she probably doesn't hate you"
"Very reassuring" i sarcastically smiled at her and carried on writing. She was probably right I don't know why I was so sure she wouldn't want to see me again. She liked me.

Almost on cue i got a text so I reached for my phone out my pocked to see it was her number.

"Hey it's Scarlett's mate did she stay round yours?"-Scarlett
"What? No she went back to help you with the flooding?"-Dylan
"Flooding? After she left I went to a club and came back at about three in the morning. She doesn't even have my number yet."-Scarlett
"What's your dorm number?"-Dylan
"Wait there I'm coming"-Dylan

I grabbed my books and pen and ran out the classroom without saying anything. The teacher shouted after me but I was in a rush so I ignored her.
After about five minutes I arrived knocking at the door.
"Hey come in I just noticed there's an unnamed number that texted her saying this"
I looked at the phone

"Hey it's me Eve. Save my number"-eve
"Okay thanks"- scarlett
"Omg come over the taps flooding the house."-eve

"That wasn't me..."
"Yeah...we need to report her missing.."


Im so bad at this please 💀. Anyways yeah I'm sorry for taking so long I'll update sooner next time

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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