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I woke with a headache from drinking so much last night. Everyone had already gone home safely.

I decided to force myself to get up and go boxing.

I quickly changed into shorts and a shirt right after my shower.

I walked downstairs to find Luca sleeping on the couch. He was using a pillow as a blanket.

I don't know how he managed to sleep. He usually gets cold easily than normal people.

As I pulled into one of the empty parking spaces near the gym, a motorcycle was parked a few spaces to my right.

I swear I had seen that same one somewhere.

"Sage, it's been a while, how are you?" coach Owens yells from the corner of the gym.

To be honest, I haven't been here in about 4 months. I usually come here when I'm stressed out or need to clear my head. This place has always been a second home to me.

"I missed your lectures," I said as we did our handshake we made up when I first came here a few years ago.

"And I miss lecturing you, " he teased.

"Where is everyone?" I said looking around the gym to only see a few middle schoolers crowding the only other girl besides me, and flexing their "muscles."

"Oh, they're in the main gym trying to see how good the new guy is."

"New guy?" I questioned.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to him."

We begin walking to the main part of the gym where all the events and competitions happen.

Coach Owen opens the door for me and lets me in first.

The main gym is what the older kids like me use to practice. It's big and has seats that go all the way up to the ceiling.

The ceilings are very high level and each seat is coated with either black or pink.

If you are older than eighteen you sit in the black seats and if you're younger than eighteen, you sit in the pink seats.

This alleviates where someone should sit depending on their age during a tournament. We thought of this idea after one kid a few years ago broke his nose squatting too close to the ring.

He just wanted to get a better view of the match so he thought it was a good idea to go near the ring.

The two competitors threw each other and one of them got hit so hard that he rolled out of the ring and on top of the little boy's head.

The ambulance came and I assume that was the last time he attended another boxing match.

There were a few punching bags and one of them had a hole where the sand was spilling from onto the floor.

I guess my coach noticed what I was assuming because he just shook his head and began walking towards the ring.

Someone here unquestionably had a disastrous day.

There were a few people in the main gym and two of them looked like they were in the middle of a match. One of the people that were inside the ring was Chase, the other had his back on me so I couldn't see his face.

Just as I was watching the match, coach Owens leans next to me and whispers, "that's the new guy, I'll let someone else introduce you to him. I have to go teach the younger kids some techniques."

Before I could say anything, he was gone faster than Usain Bolt.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here in a long time." Tyler grinned.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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